Such a great start to the new album, can't wait to hear the rest of 'em!
Outside of the constantly evolving sound with these I love the lyrics too, seems like something I could've written. :D In a very different manner of writing of course, but the sentiments on the world not making sense anymore, of politics and polarization; the forceful conflation of nations and idealization... relatin' heavy! I appreciate the theme, and the way it flows together, multiple rhymes in single lines, counting votes and counting sheep, it's so full of quotables...
I don't think things were this way always. Even if we've always had conflict, it feels like at least the conflict was honest back in the day; politics and power structures not as convoluted as they are now. I mean just consider that propaganda in video form was a novelty back in World War 2, it was probably a big reason Germany were so good at convincing their own people of the ideologies of the time, they were so ahead of their game with that at that time. If we were as bombarded by opinions and media then as we are now I wonder if things would've turned out the same, our growing distrust in media and authority seems like the root of a lot of our problems now too; how conspiracy theories can flourish, no matter how mad, with Flat Earthers for example...
Anyway this was great, in sonics and content both. Made me think, apparently. XD Appreciate music that does that too!