That 'what does it mean to be cool' answer! XD HELL YEAH!
Great answer on what makes a good community too. And on all things really; aspects of art and creativity too. You have an impressively thorough approach to all things you do @GlitchBuddy - setting the bar high on reviews too, which seems like a rare thing these days. Personally I have a hard time rating things honestly if I leave a review on something I want to show appreciation for, in part because it seems almost a norm to vote five on anything by a friend; especially one who's rated your work before. Give fives and get fives back... but then again it seems the intention with a score changes a bit between different types of content. For some content - made by user you know or no - the rating seems more a show of approval/engagement/appreciation, and nothing more's really required, whereas if you actually have some real feedback to share; critique can really further their work... it's easier to rate honestly. Props on keeping it real though always!
As for sometimes feeling like you have nothing to contribute with a review though: IMO every review's worth something, even if it's just simple affirmation, everyone likes to know their work's seen and appreciated too.
Great interview both of you; you seem like a genuine dude GlitchBuddy. Also shout-out @Picochu on filling in for Shok on this one, creative interpretation on that digital GB alterego! :D
Keep up the great stuff y'all.