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So the Foot Licker really does exist! XD Nice one. Though could've skipped that clipped audio bit.


snailpirate responds:

The clipped audio thing was a failed attempt at me trying to be funny.

Homebrew GB game? XD This was... pretty interesting. Also do wonder who that strange man standing by that bed might be... hand by any chance inspired by Migi? ;) Awesome work.


DooderDoo responds:

Thanks! At the time of making this I didn't know about Migi but after looking it up I definitely see the resemblance!

Did he just... click it again? XD I thought this would have a more computer-related theme, considering the premise, but I do love the trip itself. How it jumps. The morbid bits, and fears, and the transitions between them all. Really smooth work all! Really should've scored higher too...


AntonM responds:

thanks CD!

So via that other door he'd just run into the window hmm... truly a grievous ending! With how random it all started I wasn't thinking it could take such a serious twist, but I like the creative take on the jam idea. A dream gone bad, rather than just a bad dream. The pace is great, the animation fluent, the style both suitable and creatively interesting. Not so long, but feels thorough.


CyanSandwich responds:

Thanks! I wanted to make it longer (time restraints (my own fault)), but I'm glad you found it thorough.

Life's like a game, huh. :) Just keep going; starting over. Over and over. I like the style - reminds me a bit of Samurai Champloo, and the music... that ending though. XD Ah well: deadline accomplished? Nice work.


RannitX responds:

Thanks! I think setting hard deadlines helps me actually finish stuff so i'm starting to line them. I work way to slow when I have all the time in the world lol. seems like the only time i finish stuff is when i go this has to be done tonight. Still need to get that work ethic tho but i'm glad i was able to finish something. :)

Definitely managed a pretty creepy vibe here! My earliest memory's also related to a living room, and a bad dream... but that's pretty much where the similarities end. Could've been something for this jam hmm. Wonder if this opportunity ever comes again... anyway this turned out good, and holy shit so many people involved in the rendering process! O_O How did you get that many people aboard on so short notice? How mutual rendering even work? Short bits, or... actually never mind I checked out the site. What an awesome service.


ninjamuffin99 responds:

Lol yeah SheepIt was an absolute lifesaver in this situation. If I rendered this myself I wouldn't even be done 10 seconds of the animation if I would've begun last night!

A spectacular dose of madness, with some pretty atmospheric darkness too! Feels like a lot of the scenes are almost overly close-up to the characters, but otherwise it's all great. Variation, action; good mood.


RoetCarPower responds:

Thanks man, was waiting for your review.

Really wasn't expecting such an occasional short! Morbid as it was. Fentanyl huh. Wonder if I'm going to remember that spelling, but I'll definitely remember the drug now, and its powers/dangers/trivia. Never heard of it before this. Nice work.

And it makes me wonder: why? Personal experience? Info you stumbled upon and found interesting? A will to inform? Seems uncommon, but do appreciate it.


Taco-Sauce responds:

Hey thanks for checking it out.

To answer your question; no, no personal experience. It is just all over the news where I live because people just keep overdosing. That intrigued me to do a bit of research on it... and this is what I did with it.
The video was more for entertainment purposes rather than being a PSA, in fact I'm surprised more people aren't aware of it, but I found turning it into a PSA was the most humorous option. :)

Not the most annoying or loud-pitched scream, at least. :) If anything it's almost... ambient. Nicely animated too. Impressive work turning a scream into something I actually wouldn't mind replaying a few times... might keep this on loop a bit too. Just cause.


CapaciousSpace responds:

its great for getting to sleep!

That screeching sound. O_o Yeah I think this'd qualify as a bad dream. And that spider. Yeah. It qualifies. Most definitely. Love the trippy style, and that thing about dreams where you just don't know what's coming next. Unpredictability accomplished. Dream sense.


FlumpyTripod responds:

Thank you.

Bamboo Shoots!

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