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Second character in I was starting to wonder if this wasn't a collab, with each character such a different style... but hey it really was the same guy! Impressive work with all of this, though could've made for a good collab idea too! Each one with their own character to take the stage and tame those foes. Lots of variation between the fights here, lots of action, lots of good stuff, overall! The wise man with the scrolls was probably a favorite, but Bullet close second. Cool dudes, and smooth music to back them up.


AshisAnimation responds:

I am glad to hear that..you like it so much.... your possitive comment gave me a energy to work more harder. ..sorry but my english is not that good :p... but i want to say you thanks.. .. by the way... this is the 2nd part.. i already uploaded the 1st part here... and now in this days..i am working on 3rd part... and it will take too much time. I will upload it too sure. ;)

Well this was fun! :) Long episode too. So much variation. Such pace. It keeps both entertainment and excitement levels high throughout, and plenty of comedy twists. Really thorough work; scripting. Props on the VA's too! It's not all just like the originals but: pretty close! Music stays in the background but really helps out too. Classy composition all in all!


RylanLego responds:

Thank you VERY much!! I appreciate that you noticed all the work we put into this animation :)

That long corridor... instant The Shining vibes. Thought some scary twin girls might pop out at any moment but... none of that hmm. Things did turn out pretty strange as soon as she opens the window though. XD Seems like something that coulld've been made for the Bad Dream jam! Really liked the music that keeps jumping back, and jumping, along with the animation, and the pixel-style news. Those scenes though... moments from her life? The trip through the case...? The door opening...? I feel like I don't catch the essence of this, the ending, or what it's really meant to convey, but otherwise I did enjoy it! Nicely animated.


PixelPenn responds:

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. When I took the photo of the corridor I was thinking the exact same thing. It was a shame I missed out on the bad dream jam though and I wanted to mess around with something interpretive so I understand if you didn't quite catch the meaning of it. XD But all the scenes are relevant to the underlying story.

Well that was random. XD Do appreciate the rocky Moana cover in the background there, and the animation's nonsensical and violent but... shows potential. Bit choppy progression, but for some scenes you've really worked in a lot of detail in the backgrounds. Especially Ed, Edd and Eddie's room. Could use a bit more work with the fluidity though! And maybe: point.


RedeyestheSecound responds:

You know what would probably get it a half star more if .. It was like an old game where its click and torture or out come with real audio instead of music I am thankful its not rated A

Well that broom sure came out of nowhere. :) Really nice fight, with both a nice twist and plenty of variation with the action - though feels strange the main character would show so much emotion during that final scene. After battling the other one so viciously she's suddenly not so vicious anymore. It all changes in those few moments. Seems a bit consistent, and not sure what the motive is, but otherwise this is all great. Really fluent; smooth.


ExtinctionGames responds:

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed that little twist, and I appreciate the positive feedback.

In regards to her emotion, the witch and pirate responded to the scythe guy mostly out of fear. This is why the witch called her broom and fled. This is also why the pirate snatched a ride on the broom, despite already being in a fight with the witch.
The fight between the witch and the pirate was pretty even, however the scythe guy outmatched either of them.
Hopefully these details hope to explain the emotion I conveyed through the witches face, and also to a degree through the pirates face.

Seems like this could be a loooong wait. XD Smooth loop though.
Nice try.

Unless this really does lead somewhere hmm, maybe I'll just let it loop once more, or a few times, you never know...


AnimNuggets0507 responds:

Thx bro. Just keep on waiting ;)

If only he could level up by killing himself. :P So much character within the game it's almost like he's really living within the game though, like it's not just a game, like it's an alternate realm, like Ready Player One in retro RPG style! Sort of. Really enjoyed the humor in this. Great animation, acting, everything. Totally relatable too. XD


kofi-noob responds:


Well the story is kind of a mess but everything else... so awesome! Love the fluidity of animation, and music really does a lot too boost the sense of action. It's all a blast, a mesh of random and fun, and f´gundam-like character design?! HELL YEAH! :D Doesn't seem like such a terrible dream after all though, so that waking up bit seems sort of out of place.


wellie responds:

Yea the ending was rushed but thanks for the kind words man

Well that ended fast. XD Not bad animation though! Simple but entertaining little sketch.


toelim67 responds:

thanks dude. :) i would love to make longer ones in the future but i feel like i still need lots of practice.

So awesome. :) There's been some good contenders, but this might be one for the win! Impressively smooth and expressive animation work, with a masterful score to go with it. Fun to watch too, from start to finish.


antdung responds:

Thanks, Cyberdevil! Appreciate the review, as always!

Bamboo Shoots!

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