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She's doing a lot of drinking hmm... feels like you were onto some more creative bits earlier on, but quality: definitely improving. Keep it up!


RainingMecha responds:


Is deeper than you think, you need to start looking more deeper, less superficially.

What a contrast between the slides and the animation! The still graphics: really solid work there. Almost seemed like those and the animated bits told two different stories... but good fun always.


Syrupmasterz responds:

DyingSun added some much needed class to a terrifying hypothetical scenario. :P

Aw man Syrupmasterz, why you gotta do that! YT only. The shame. And promoted like it's the place to be too... I don't... I can't... trailer was pretty dope though.


Syrupmasterz responds:

I'm sorry! How often do you get to animate a Giant Crab and use Dio's audio from JBA while he fights a drunken skeleton!? It's VERY hard to resist. :P

It's my fault, I was weak...WAY too much copyrighted stuff to put up here. A few snipets is okay, but using his theme song and nearly a minute of his audio is too much.

Don't worry, next animation I do for Chutney Island Adventures will have original audio so it can be on Newgrounds, that's a Syrupmasterz promise.

Well that was random. XD Good fun, and good twist on that classic intro in particular.


BillyRedSnake responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it!

Not a bad short, though he's pretty slow on reacting with the gun! Seems he's dodging bullets more out of luck than agility. A little more work on the pace and it'd be great. Keep it up!


NescalRadiscal responds:

I didn't animate the character agility so well. I'm gonna improve this.

A little bit better VAs, angles and overall build-together: this would've been awesome. It really is a full movie! I love the idea but just... the presentation of it all... maybe you just really need a different program to bring out the full potential in this. It's got potential!


BronxBrother responds:

Hi thanks for watching...just curious which VA's stuck out as being "not so good"?

Well that was nice. :) Fun, and animated impressively professionally considering the age of it, though the soundtrack... seems like the mood of the music and that of the animation all conflicts a bit. It keeps building, like some grand adventure, though it feels like it'd have been more fitting with something a bit more simple; comedy oriented. The score's great, just so out of place! So strange.

But overall pretty enjoyable. Having been here back when 480p wasn't even possible the format's no problem. :P


Mithmeoi responds:

Thanks very much! Yea the music is a bit out of place, it was the first time he'd composed something for a toony short. I was really grateful for having custom music made for me though so it wasn't just sound effects. haha
I'm glad you enjoyed the short!

This did feel a bit more wholesome than what I seem to remember from previous glimpses! Some good thangs going on here, and good voicing, though the motions... still something oddly inconsistent about the gravity of it all. But I love the vibe. And the added color. All in all I think I'ma miss these 3D battle bits when you stop putting them out!

Though intrigued to see how it goes with 2D. Somehow it seems like there's less of a little limitation with that previous dimension. More room for perfection. Good stuff.


Kel-chan responds:

Yup theres just some things that i either cant or have trouble with in 3d. The next project will have a mostly 2d char with 3d backgrounds.... and hopefully I'll see how it turns out

Bamboo Shoots!

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