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The animation seemed somewhat simplified at first, not the usual true-to-traditions somewhat static-riddled black and white style either but with almost a bit of a Classic Gameboy hue... maybe there was a time when this was the true color though, but the scenes building up to the missing sequences: impressive detail! And with a description crafted with a passion, maybe more so than usual... backstory mastery. Good to see Skitzo again too!

Happy Halloween!


Comick responds:

Thanks man! Skitzo cartoons date to the early 1910's when film was made of nitrate. It was an extremely flammable substance and when it deteriorated would turn the film an amber color. Skitzo cartoons have never been found in good condition or preservation because they were all meant to be destroyed from history. Hence the scraps we find always have the amber tint and open decay :) Also thanks a ton for reading the description! I never know if anyone reads those haha but they are meant to give more story into the history of the lost piece.

When the moon spun around, with the BITE engraved on the back of it... I thought that was it! But oh man does it get epic after that. It starts off a fun little trip, but just keeps going, and growing, and getting all the more epic with each transformation.

The theme reminds me a bit of Rabid Rabits mixed up with a little Metal Slug, with plenty of references along the way I feel like I should recognize, such as that big dude with the sword... reference recognition or though it's one epic adventure! The title really doesn't prepare you for it. Music too. And all those small comical details you barely have time to appreciate. So awesome. All the way.


VolFMaple responds:

Thank you!

Well that was short. XD Didn't recognize the audio as from the movie until the music started kicking in towards the end of it, to think they had such a random-sounding sequence when it's taken out of context like that...

Nice way to switch it up a bit! I recognize the brew you mention, though didn't know it was disrespectful to add sugar. Not that I've ever had it that way. Good thing hmm.


CondePablo responds:

thanks! so you recognize the "mate" i like that!
generally the people start drinking mate with suggar, its way more easy to like it that way. but once you are more in matter, and try with a mate which never has put sugar on it, its like drink one of the most powerfull coffees you can ever drink!

but the key is that, the mate itself need to never been used with sugar. thats why the lady in the video reacts like this! jaja

This is that stuff NG was made for! XD Just hope no copyright claims come up on this...

The faces are so expressive too - constantly changing to match the other. Always responding to something. It'd be hard to measure levels of fun derived from this without knowing the original level but this was pretty fun! Refreshingly different too.


Aaron-Long responds:

Thanks! Keeping them alive was tough because of how limited the images I had were-- and it was always tempting to put in the bare minimum of action but I do think it's funnier to have them reacting to each other!

Oh man, tragic endings... but I love the song.


HarveySeasalt responds:

Thank you Cyberdevil

With this length it feels like more than four should be possible. ;) Is this really a challenge? I like the idea of bringing Inktober into animation though, and: pretty cool idea.


VampiricKai responds:

I admit that I definitely could of done more than one prompt this week. However I was extremely lazy this week. It does however say one per week.

Start my day with a cup of coffee? Nah I think I'll start it with this. :)

Took a while to get into, but towards the end of it the music starts giving me goosebumps, and the exhilaration of all that lies ahead in life comes to mind... it feels like a push in the right direction. Just the right kind of music. Just the right kind of background ambience, complete with pauses to fully take in the suggestions and just really appreciate the vibe and instrumentation... feels like way more than just a visualizer when it's all said and done!

Or maybe more like: the visualizer of LIFE. Great work.


Noisysundae responds:

Thanks, cd. I noted this thing as a visualizer because it's not really a music video. Not enough variations to be called the latter. Honestly, you wrote a better narrative than I did in the video. I really didn't think much about what to write on those paragraphs, partially because I'm sleep deprived lately. :P

Bamboo Shoots!

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