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Might be the first time I see a Fiverr link for support here - seems like Patreon's become the goto thing for most people. And KoFi. Hope you get the freelance work you require; looking forward to seeing this! Looks promising.


AguRex responds:

Yeah... it's weird but PayPal don't work in Nigeria mostly because of the scammers lol... only payoneer works and I can link payoneer to my fiverr account.

Thanks a lot 😊 tho... I'm working on episode already done with the animatic but I'm currently finishing up a music video for a client.

Thought I'd seen this already, but apparently it was just the preview! Or it was on Patreon. Or I just hadn't reviewed it yet... but that's impossible.

It was great though. Second time around and more. Not sure which round I'm on at this point. The intricate details of all that's going on in those first few scenes have you watching this over and over again just to really follow the motions - such synchronization between these momentarily captive peeps that are currently also somewhat at odds with each other, yet always manage to pull through when it really matters!

Good to see all that fan art too, and the ever so inventive credits.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Haha I very much enjoy your reviews thank you :D

Thought I'd manage the accents, but the script did come in handy a bit! Entertaining work, and entertainingly different too, both dialog and style, expected and unexpected twists towards the end, contrasts in size, the teeth, how the guard fills the booth... it's all in the strange and expressive details. Fun to watch.


BigCronch responds:

Thank you so much for such a descriptive review!

The Pivots doing Game Grumps stuff! :D Never thought I'd see the day... and this might've been some of the best GG footage I've seen up to date too. So random. So expressive. So well-paced. So consistent. It's like it was made for this animation.


ThePivotsXXD responds:

Bruh I've been making GG's since 2015

Props on fighting all the way till the bitter end! XD Though, speaking of premium: I don't think I've seen a single ad for it yet... maybe it's a geographical thing.


AustinJayCook responds:

Probably :D

A true masterpiece. And hey, you went by the name of RockOn12 back in day?! When did that change? Good times, good times...


Kolumbo responds:

The 12 was to conceal the fact I was 11.
Then when I turned 12 I got Wade to change it to CrazyRock.
And finally when I returned to the site after years, I bought a supporter status and changed it to what it is today.
Can honestly say, I'm just glad my forum posts as RockOn12 don't exist anymore...
Much love CD <3

Totally didn't take the turn I expected this to take! What is this even... if there's some reference here I'm not getting I wish I got it. Entertaining, though.


Snackers responds:

There is no reference here, this is just garbage

The mist is pretty cool... though otherwise this feels a bit... void. Wish there was a meaning to it. Even with the tragic end it doesn't really capture the emotion, or the pain with the trap, or the dystopia in more ways than the visual.

It was what it claims to be though! Visually not bad, but could use a bit more build-up and expression somehow. I don't really immerse.


Kariah responds:

Thanks for the honest review! I agree with your points completely. The story was originally a 3 partner with three bombs leading up to a gag, but with it being a project in university, I had to cut things short and miss the punch line.
Glad you can dig the style though! that was kinda the real point of the project :)

Could've been a perfect loop if only it was the same ice cream. :) Pretty morbid cartoon here, and with that harmless style, what a contrast... you've got the old cartoon style going pretty well overall, with the lack of speech, and color, and music, but I'm missing the static overlay people seem to add to really complete the look. Just doesn't feel so old without it... but maybe you weren't going for old after all. The circular shots are pretty unorthodox too, seems those came into cartoons a bit later.

Enjoyable stuff though, macabre though it may be. Gets me thinking of Retarded Animal Babies a bit. If they'd been here in the old days, black and white and all...


Enophano responds:

Thanks alot! I will add the static and some effects on another cartoon I'm gonna make. Amy will be back someday!

Clever way of pausing it for a promotional narrative at the end there! Would definitely be cool to see more of. Regarding sound: outro track feels a bit high compared to the main part. But: minor details. Looking forward to more!


Cyaboron responds:

Thankyou so much!! Oops yeah, I haven't quite gotten the hang yet of evening the sound out (volume etc) so I'll pay more attention to it next time! :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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