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I think I played some Zelda game some time long ago, but didn't get very far, and as that's all experience I have with the series I suppose most of these references are lost on me, like... the ending. :P Also the statue, most important part of the animation. I recognize the top-down view though, and the pots lmao, the style's just how I remember it. To offer at least one useful tidbit of feedback: how about a larger play button? A custom one right below the title? There seems to be plenty of space for it, but instead it's hidden away waay at the side below the API ad! Keep it going!


artistunknown responds:

Yeah, this is based on an easteregg that's in a single zelda game, so it's understandable why people wouldn't get it, but if anyone actually wanted an explanation, they can always just read the description. It's a wall of text for a reason :/

But yeah, I agree about the tiny play button. I'm not sure how Newgrounds feels about modifying parts of their api, but that thing is tiny so I'll see what I can do. I've been trying to get some sort of uniform preloader layout that works well.

Thanks for an actual review! :p

Hah, though it doesn't convey the full grandeur of the series, it's a fun commercial! Wonder if this is actually aired somewhere, as an ad? Keep it going!


TalesofStuff responds:

Haha thanks!

lmao, the biggest of challenge of them all! Nice.


RenegadeClock responds:

Like you wouldn't believe. Thanks!

Haha, another great episode! :D Interesting with the King and the Almighty Evil Wizard meeting! If only for a breif moment. Everything about this series is great, but the script is the definite highlight, it's a humour that transcends cultural limitations! No need for knowledge of memes or certain titles, it's universal comedy. :) Keep it going!


TalesofStuff responds:

Thanks, cd!

Haha, best one yet! The puns, the parody band names, the musical influences and relational drama... this could merit a sequel! :D Seems like every other one of these deals with the king, and every other one with the dragon btw, nice variation.


TalesofStuff responds:

Yes, that's what I am trying!

Haha, a story with a moral! :D A trip indeed! These Tales of Stuff are really streaming in at a rapid pace right now, guess you're sitting on plenty of material? If you're hoping to get awards it might be a good idea to go with just one/day though, the Top 5 can only handle so much. :) Anyway, looking forward to the next one(s)! Nice work.


TalesofStuff responds:

Yeah, there are already 6 episodes on Youtube, I just thought I post them here as well! I don't know anything about those awards!

I love the music! Wonder what track that is? I think it's much thanks to the music that this feels as exciting as it does. Without it, there's not really much going on, not much of a mood or plot progressiont o convey. The part where the TV loops and then just flips out at the end was pretty cool, but overall... what's going on? Keep it going!


JLebon responds:

I got the song from Youtube's audio library, it's called "Floor Plan."

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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