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Really enjoying the mood here! Great beat, catchy tune, uplifting airwaves, and a colorful gathering of characters and psychedelic patterns to match. It really brings you along for the ride.

Not the typical sound either. Refreshing.


Qieer responds:

thank you!!

Really short, but really smooth animation! Not bad.


SailorBomber responds:

Yeah n.nU
Thank you :)

The creativity with the canvas dimensions are just off the chart with this one! Masterful work y'all. It had me scrolling.


OctopusClock responds:

gotta get those scrolling fingers workin'

Ushnor responds:

This movie's made for scrollin
and that's just what you'll do
one of these days this movies
gonna scroll right over you

Animated Inktober entries! :D You might be the first to do this. Not a bad idea.

Imagining a quick recording to go along with the mouth work and this could be pretty entertaining more than a couple loops in too. Nice work.


Cyaboron responds:

Thanks a lot! It'd be great to add in some more sound effects and loops like that :D

I can't see why anyone would not want to make this! :D A masterful composition as always. Neon city vibes, creative anus angles, catchy music and instrumental moments... it's got it all. Plus you can just watch it for the kicks. Lots of kicks. The 'like it over here, run over there' bit probably had me laughing the most. It's the little bits. Good stuff.


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Well that was somewhat disturbing. :) Nice effects with the voice and all, eerie setting building, though for some reason it doesn't feel like the full potential of the punchline comes through... maybe because Billy's sleeping all the time? Some more action could've livened things up. When it all just fades away to the fictional moral of the story... feels like somewhat wasted opportunity. Quality's good, but it's a bit passive.


SteakstixAnimations responds:

Hmm, maybe this calls for a sequel then someday!! 😎

Things getting pretty steamy in the Bear Trap world! :D Some Vanilla Ice playing in the background and this'd be just perfect...


theBEARtrap responds:

Haha how did I not think of vanilla ice?!!!

You'd think the eye-poking bit was enough, but what a compilation of Madness this turned out to! Intriguing but disturbing... is it deeper than it looks? Is there meaning behind the madness? Is it made to provoke or to enlighten? Definitely makes you think a bit...


PorriDge4 responds:

Am I surprised you scrolled this far! I think there are several messages involved, but I am not sure if I have put them there myself. I'm glad you've considered this bit to be tht thought provoking.

Love the fantasy, futuristic Cyberpunk vibe of this. So much color and character. The story doesn't feel all as continuous... but this could be a pilot for something awesome. Would be cool to see more of!


FunPix responds:

Thank you Cyberdevil, I'm actually working on the followup right now!

All those childhood memories washed away in a flash. XD Only explanation: drugs.

Spooky indeed...


GuiltyPixel responds:

Shaggy needs to lay off dat stuff. :V lolol

Bamboo Shoots!

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