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It appears The Dark Lord of Darkness sits on a fragile throne! :) This might mean certain complications for Chutney & Co, up there, on the overbelly of Chutney Island... looking forward to the sequel! Bit short but: entertaining as always, and animation silky smooth and all.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Don't worry CD I'm making a long one as we speak! People always want a long one well this ones gonna be at least a foot long!

So old it's... in Flash! :D So even you started out with this particularly honorable medium. Seems a bit more like an unfinished storyboard than a full animation hmm... entertaining though. And longer than I thought, albeit with a pretty abrupt ending.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

I know and people say "flash is going extinct and will be dead by 2012" wat!?! I dont see it going anywhere!

6 AM. XD Considering the one-time title I wonder if there really will be a sequel hmm... would be fun though. Fun stuff. Brutal and sadistic and twisted as it is.


TylerLandis responds:

Thank you!! It's going to at least be a trilogy, then I'll see if people want more after that!

Pretty emotional work! Presented in a way anyone should be able to derive some feeling from. Their expressions really bring them life; the music a mighty envelope. Nice work.


nahtanojmal responds:

Wow, thanks man. I appreciate it :)

Some pretty solid voicing here! :D Entertaining to watch through, and good order too, all starting with that wake up scene; moving on to the whacky victories of sprite world nostalgias... hoping good things keep coming your way!


AustinJayCook responds:

Your a god sir thanks again for helping me get to where I am dude :D when we chill one day I'm getting us boba tea :D

What a fun video! So strange, so colorful, so vibrant and full of life even when it's just shifting between a select few still images... really like the mood, the motion and music that goes with it. It's a creative trip. Awesome work.


SpencerXavier responds:

thank you i've always enjoyed throwing in heavy details that last less than a second lol

Was expecting some simple visual pun based on the title but woah... the morbidity levels keep growing here! All to the tones of harmless comedy of old... pretty disturbing, though so well-animated. This was... something else.


RedMenace-96 responds:

Thank you! :)

You just might be first one out with an entry for this one! :D Fast work, and nice style, though not particularly long or punchy... the pun here being... the one robot's filming the other robot? That bit has me a bit confused but otherwise: not bad!


ToddCircle responds:

Thanks :-)
Looks like mine was the 2nd entry, first entry came in about 2.3 hours earlier.
Spent my time trying to get some sort of 1930s style happening. Having no idea what to make I just submitted what I had and see what happens...

Pretty majestic logo in the background there! Really appreciate the detail in the background. Some pretty interesting characters in this one too, though seems much shorter than the last one. The music seems a bit higher in this one, and I'm wondering if you have the rights... might run into trouble with that bit if not. Copyright issues. Otherwise: really cool. The after effect bits worked well too. Experimental but real nice! That orange dude sure was something else. :) Not to mention the dragon. Looking forward to the third part!


AshisAnimation responds:

No no... this music have no copyright issues. And thanks again for like my work.. ;)

Bamboo Shoots!

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