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I do like the idea, but at the end of it all... I'm confused. How is he earning money off of that shop? Saving up people's money to give back to them? Not charging anything...? It's great to be generous. It's great to help. It feels like there could be a great message here but it's just a bit unrealistic IMO. Otherwise nicely animated, and a feelgood end.


jackbliss responds:

Thanks for another review! Interestingly enough this is based partially on a true story when I worked at a convenience store. The same customer would walk around the time I was about to dump the coffee for the night and ask if he could have it for free since I'm going to dump it anyway. Ofcourse I changed it around a bit and made it into the clerk offering free coffee instead and secretly collecting the money for a rainy day ;)

The good 'old days of the DB tournament come again! :D Might be the most memorable part of the show that part... though it quickly took an unexpected turn with all the characters apart from the announcer. XD

The crowd doesn't look all that lively when the camera pans out birds eye - some kind of waves or motions among the ranks might be good there - but otherwise looking good! The combination of people outside the Dragon Ball realm + the official battle stage seems like a promising one. Looking forward to this!


OblitusCS responds:

Hey man!!! Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the advice, I´ll have it in mind and ad some movement to the crowd for the first battle. Be well my friend, see you next time!

Presented in the finest possible way! XD Entertaining glimpse into a parallel cartoon world. What could have been but never was... spot-on voice acting with a lot of those characters too.


toonjunkiez responds:

Thank you cyberdevil. We are beyond grateful for the review and hope to keep producing good stuff.

And both voice, I suppose? Looks like a fun show, reminding me of the Secret Life of Pets movie a bit. Btw if you're looking for some alternate VAs there are plenty within the NG community - plenty willing to jump in for free. :) Nice work so far!


FunCartoons responds:

English version was recorded with 3 voices. One of our friends voiced Klaus (rooster).
We wish to involve more people. But this is a long project. There should be a few seasons.
We have scripts for the first 4 episodes. And the voices should be the same I suppose. So I'm not sure that people would like to voice our characters so long without any rewards.
However, I believe that in the future we will attract new members on our team and we will be able to pay them=)

You may be sure that "Pets On Their Own" is the different show and the one thing that can connect it with "Secret Life of Pets" it's a word "Pets" in a title =)

Thanks for your replay and support =)

For short attention spans surely this is just perfect! And works well with others, too. Entertaining bit of random. Looking forward to whatever you ADD next.


Bingleheimer responds:

ah Ha! I see what you did there. Clever. I appreciate the feedback and support :)

A lot of joking around with the fourth wall here. :) Though I do appreciate the jokes that thing came up a bit too often IMO. The comedy otherwise is refreshingly harmless; good fun. Smooth animation, plenty of dialog... longer than I expected too, and especially for a pilot! Solid work. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this show.


scpgames responds:

Thanks! Great review too. My goal was really to make a 'friendly' version of Aqua Teen or Always Sunny. Somewhere in that realm of humor: snippy and snarky without dropping F bombs or sex jokes. I do have two more scripts done, but not much time as of late. The next one dives more into 'parody' as it is a Ghostbusters story.

Got some pretty good entries here! :D I'll go with #9. Wordplay on title. Creative twist. That expression at the end too. XD All good though!


rubberonion responds:

I love wordplay jokes too... thanks for voting!

Now that was awesome. :D I can imagine the original song would've been something else, but all things considered this fit in surprisingly well too. Really well-animated, smooth and captivating. Fight coreography's just perfect too. Varied; full of energy. Nice work!


olbengc responds:

Thank you so much.
yeah this song fits for most of the video (although i feel some parts are still off). if you want to watch it with the other song go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2MUJsMRHk

You really never know how these things will go! XD Was wondering what happened to the Great Grim Reaper for a while there.. but lmao. Who could predict. Though I guess there are spoiler in the tags hmm. Looks like there's potential for continuation too! Looking forward to it! And that credit-credit finale just keeps getting better and better. The legendary Fulp joined in too! :D Woo. Awesome work.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Thanks cd! you know I put that duck in this one because you said something about him maybe being reaccuring character. So I was like okay!

Foreign as the Zelda universe is to me I'm probably not catching the joke as well as I could, but it stands it's ground well too! Animation superfluent as always, battles fast-paced (at least the one) and creative, and the backgrounds... woah, detail! With all the glow and transformations too. Shows a lot of time went into a lot of this! With that in mind I'm a bit curious who did what here? Those additional backgrounds/animation? Audio and music turned out good too, even if the music seems somewhat far off; never all that prominent. Good stuff! Also that 4G Patreon folder... interesting...


artistunknown responds:

The joke isn't very good tbh, but basically, Nintendo added a weapon durability mechanic to the newest Zelda game and a lot of the swords seemed to break really quickly, so I decided to make a joke about that, which a lot of people probably have done before since the game's been out for over a year now! The real kicker though is that the Master Sword, the sword that's supposed to be the one thing to defeat evil, is also effected by this. It doesn't break, but it does run out of power, which I think is really stupid. It can't run out of power during the fight with Ganon though, so that part's not accurate but I thought it would be funnier to do that. Also you can throw weapons in the game, but when you try to throw the Master Sword, it shoots the sword beam instead, so when Link tries to throw the Master Sword here, for being a "useless piece of shit", it instead shoots a sword beam, and the rest is pretty self-explanatory lol.

As for who did what, this was like 99% me. Misty cleaned up and inbetweened one shot, colored a few more, and bread colored two shots. Everything else including the backgrounds and music was all me. That's why the music feels off!! I had to make it not too distracting since it probably wouldn't sound good otherwise ha!

I'm glad the time put into this shows!


Bamboo Shoots!

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