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lmao, things that (hopefully) won't ever happen in the real world! :D It starts off with a blast, and that could've been the one pun right there - but it just keeps going. Entertaining selection of scenarious, complete with loading circle transitions, and those eyes... nice work!


Jameserton responds:

Thanks for the kind words Cyberdevil. You're the most frequent reviewer I see on Newgrounds. Appreciate you taking the time; keep up the good work.

lol, antigravity cat doesn't do much at all, seems the main character does most of the doing, the cat's kinda just... hanging around. Awesome animation though; voice acting, and all of a sudden an unexpected dive into a... sea of pee? O_o Haha, this could make for a series... nice work!


Carbonwater responds:

Thanks man!
-thumbs up-

lol, asking an old lady? Well I don't get the point, but it was real smoothly done. Voice acting and animation, like the way he just sinks and pops up in the picture, and that really detailed grandma view too. Nice work!


MAJ1CK responds:

Yeah, the script could have done with some more work, I'm glad you liked the rest.

It was great, the animation and the emotion, and the music of course, but I'm still left wondering exactly what it's about. Why's he fighting? Who's he fighting? Was that the home he grew up in? Some of the fighting motions aren't the most fluent, but overall it flows nicely. Good work!


LeffsHanid responds:

I appreciate the constructive critique, Thanks! I will admit, I was a bit over ambitious with this flash. My skills aren't up to par yet. But I hope you stick around to see what I got, as my skills grow!

Well that was.. ironic. :P Interesting idea for a family; perfect potential for a ton of puns. This family could make for a full series too! Keep it going.


RetroSleep responds:

This Train has no breaks!

Well that conversation took a few unexpected turns. Interesting style of animation; the conversation... it's balancing between humor and some deeper form of life philosophy. Nice work!


Brewster responds:

Yeah I feel like I came very close to almost saying something of substance in this one. Thanks for the review

Can't decide if the moral of this story is: don't get a cat or... social media can be hazardous to your health. :P Awesome animation, love how cute that cat looks at all times, even when going batshit banananas and brutally battering that unfortunate bloke. The work with expressions are hilarious, and the crazy carnage... nice work!


liquidcrow responds:

Hahah! Thanks! =)

It is indeed heavily based on a real cat that I know of. Cute batshitness and all, lol.

Awesome. Visuals, transitions, the way the perspective twists, the music that fades in... it's just flawless apart from maybe the sudden fade at the end. I enjoyed the venture, but i wish it'd lasted just a few minutes more, like a full music video maybe. Awesome work!


FarturAst responds:

The sudden fade on the end got a reason: This animation is the intro and an the end of this intro the artists comes up on stage and began to sing...

And thx :)

An educational film which I am somehow assuming to be factually correct despite the seemingly random scenario! Hope I am not misguided by false hopes of truth and whimsical wisdom? Nice work!


RadioTubeClock responds:

Don't worry, it's legit :)

lol, that guy... no cookie monster references? Alternative ending was what I expected the first ending to be, crazy stuff. Also, you could've made a looping version of this, eternally ongoing. Nice work!


koit responds:

He has a cheeky resemblance. Perhaps he's his cousin !?

As with the alternative ending, yeah that was what the original was going to be, but then I decided, nah, I'll kind of trick people by having something other than what they expected there.


Bamboo Shoots!

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