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lmao, crazy times. Though Simon never gets bigger picture the viewer certainly does. I like the gritty overlay on the animation, the politely condescending oldskool type of speech, people flipping literally, that water fountain lap... it's a... seemingly a bit random series of events that doesn't lead anywhere but really entertains. Keep it going!


YULFO83 responds:

Awesome feed back. Thanks bud :)

lol. The idea has potential, but it feels like it's a bit wasted on a couple of ratatas and some bird scat. Was expecting a scene where some wild monster does something, but hoping it'd happen in animated form. Maybe some legendary Pokemon dives down and just swallows him whole, or a swarm of ratatas leap out the grass with a ra-ta-ta kind of sound, rapid fire ya know? and burrow bloody holes in his body. Something a bit more intense. Could've skipped some of that dialog and spent in on the final scene IMHO, but anyway, great idea; good work on dialog/expressions.


Narwelch responds:

Fair enough. Those ideas are pretty good, but I probably wouldn't have been able to make them look good though to be honest. I still have a lot to learn about animation, so I just went with something a little more simple.

This is pretty cool! The running animation was a bit odd when he was running towards the ship, from a dstiance, and when he gets in he stands with legs wide apart when seen from indoors and close together from the back, bit of an inconsistency there. but otherwise the animation was surprisingly smooth. The attacks land; seem powerful, it's all effectual and fast-paced, great battle. I'm thinking some of the cries of rage could've been longer, maybe add some echo and reverb to enhance the effects? But it is good, one of the most fluent fights I've watched in a while. Keep it going!


Kofdizz responds:

Yeah, a lot of those of those issues you mentioned were due to time constraints. This was my senior thesis piece, and after graduation, the only thing I had access to was the programs for the VFX. My voice actors and the Cintiq I used for all the line work weren't available at that point. Thank you so much for your review, man, I appreciate it!

Looks like something to look forward to! Violent, fun and professional (and it really is a real teaser I hope). Nice work!


hbrunav responds:

Thanks! Thats what I enjoy animating :P. Its really a teaser, but the real episodes won't be that long also, something around 2-4 minutes.

lol, different type of satire in this one. I do agree there's an excessive waste of food in the world, but maybe that's not the point after all? :P Interestiong style on the graphics; a moral in there too. Keep it going!


Blordow responds:

Nah, I'm not particularly trying to prove a point I just thought it'd be funny to use a bit of hypocrisy hehe

Looks like viruses may be evolving and a new era of malware that wears and tears our peers is soon to be here. O_o Creative idea, some interesting visual artifacts involved in the animation and an ending that... seems pretty hopeful! Nice work.


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks cd! again with your awesome constructive reviews!

Woo, party! But it's not even the final day yet... what might be the cause of this majestic celebration? Random reason for inspiring use of Chicken Party Song? Whatever the reason - keep it going!


Pop-Tart responds:

Each year we pick a day to honor those who survived a full month in the previous floods. PhantomCat had a movie deleted last year so I had to pick on him. But yes, I wanted to use that song for a while now. ;D

Daily award for a speedpaint?! I never thought this day would come... Art processes are always interesting to follow (and that's some good music too) but I'd personally rank the creative process behind something with a story much higher, but anyway, nice work. Wasn't expecting that MLP theme.


SenpaiLove responds:

Thank you for your opinion

That Ben's a madman man! Tearing the flesh off innocent philandering loose cannon drunks, touching old mens hearts (metaphorically), bashing in doors as if they were made of rice paper... I can only imagine what happened on the other side before he bust into the random bubble of a business these main two characters were priorly engaging in lively discussion within. O_o Creative, fearful craze and carnage. Nice work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Hehe, that was random. When he stuffs the pick-axe up his nose it's like there's a hole in his face or something, it doesn't look like his nose at all. The mouth's easier to keep track of. Animation's fluent overall and just.. random, don't know if there's a point or not but it's a fun short. Btw, was this initially made for the Flash Library episode on mining that never happened? I made something as well, guess I should get to submitting... nice work!


artistunknown responds:

Yeah, it was random and wasn't meant to have any sort of point. Just felt like having fun making something silly for once, heh. I can see what you're talking about with his nose. I guess I need to work on making distorted things look a bit more like what they were before the distortion. And yeah, this was originally made for that Flash Library. I don't know what happened to it, but it was never made so I just decided to submit this. I did have fun with it so I guess that's what matters :3
You should submit your part too, I can't wait to see it.
Thanks for the review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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