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lol B. I wonder how high this would've soared without that Vote 5 message. You've got all the important ingredients included! :P


Pop-Tart responds:

All except Game Grumps audio!

Woo, pretty intense battle! Great sound effects; spritemation and everything. Nice work!


BuchonlxD responds:


Some of those landscapes are reeeally detailed! This was an interesting glimpse into an alternate Minecraft world, one exuberant with life and skeletal entertainment. Nice watch!


Pennaz responds:

Glad to be aware that I could manage to please your personal non-cubical self for almost 3 minutes my good sir reviewer sir! ;)

Haha, that was crazy! :D Love the FBF animation, slick and creative... reminds me a bit of Catoblepas. But the sound man, it's just too... loud! Too much clipping! Anyway I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with next.


skuzznet responds:

thanks! to be honest, I originally made this to annoy my friends, so i deliberately distorted the audio. i'll be more sensible next time!

An unanticipated hero saves the day! I wonder what happened to tha bullet would at the end, was it just a distraction? Did it maraculously heal? Is it a fullblown plot inconsistency? The story otherwise is great, love how it starts off with him just sleeping through disaster... both alarm/cellphone signal were surprisingly realistic too.

I'd have thought he'd just wait for the old lady to cross the street, since he is Slackman you know. No rush. Just a minute of old-lady-crossing-street animation was what I'd expected. But anyway, great voice acting; animation; surprisingly flat room decor but that doesn't bother too much. Nice work!


Fim responds:

Originally there was a scene where he flies to the bathroom to take a shower, and you get to see all the clutter and old pizza littering the floor, but I decided to cut that in the end because it made the whole thing drag out too long. That's definitely made me realise the importance of succinct story-boarding! Thanks for the review, I appreciate the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Definately looks good! Just watching a walk cycle is a bit... I mean it's not complete. :P Keep it going!


RezziUK responds:

Thanks for the feedback

I thought the first insult was the pun, lmao... I'll take this moral to heart, messing with little girls can be a painful experience! Even if it's just for kicks. :P Keep it going.


PavsterBulldozer responds:

haha thnx!! i will keep going :)

Woo, a music video! Was not expecting this. As far as plot goes, I was definately expecting some kind of twist... but this was just... nuts. :P lmao, how could he have not seen all of those?! Fun stuff though, only thing that bothers me is that bright green text on orange bg at the end... too bright a contrast! Keep it going.


PavsterBulldozer responds:

Yea I've been copying and pasting the same text at the end for all the cartoons, I will have to switch shit up. Thanks for your feedback bro!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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