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What a punchline. XD The lip sync on the drawn face didn't work as well as the rest of it, but the timing and idea: impeccable! Gotta love the style too. Classy superhero action like they just don't do it anymore!


Fitzhugh96 responds:

Thanks man! IO just started learning so the animation isn't quite as polished as I wished

This guy could really use some weed!!! For medicinal use. Really. Good fun.


JunkYardAnimations responds:

hahahaha that he can!!

Atmospheric music, some original characters and a lot of Madness! Not bad. The details in those cracking walls in particular: impressive. Even some bits of 3D. Creative angles. Short but nicely done!


thece responds:

thank u,but i dont think adding stuff on a grunt is original lol

Yes I do remember Chasm.fla! :) Always good with conclusivity, and though the style's changed up a bit this does pick up nicely where the earlier one left off. Plenty of madness, plenty of variation, and atmospheric setting a la Krinkels style too. The close-up style's the main thing that really shows it's not part of the official show, and motions could be smoother. Good show though! Pressure's high to make something good when it follows an official Krinkels storyline like this!


Prov22 responds:

Thanks much, Cyberdevil :D

An atmospheric reincarnation of this classic saga! The beautiful ghosts, the fire light, the beast... it was great all the way, though not remembering the full story seems to mean not fully understanding the quest and end, though... it seems like he made it?

And the Trip Adviser bit. XD Very nicely done!


ElysianAnimation responds:

We only managed to do he first part.
Part two exists only as a storyboard animatik

The atmosphere here is definitely something else! It feels like an animation in style Of Myth, or similar. Very fantasy-themed and ambient - a tale of love and old times... not the type of content I'm accustomed to but I am looking forward to the next episode here! Really enjoying the flowing visuals, the smooth narrative and bright and airy world. Nice start.


ElysianAnimation responds:

Thank you :)

Was expecting the elevator might lead to instant death, but the literal ride up through the cosmos was an appreciatively unexpected turn there, though with the critical oxygen levels it's both ideas in one I guess? We never really do see how it all ends...

I like the style, sketchy as it is, and the mood it builds. Solid sound effects too. Nice short.


gloomygvrl666 responds:

thanks fam, there was a lil more I wanted to do with this but I'm still learning how to use after effects

I have another one of these in the works (currently doing resource drawing between uni work) <3

Maybe four episodes ago? The 'four weeks' reference isn't going to hold.

Good call moving on to voice though. I just realized this makes that too-fast-captions-to-read problem non-existent... and reading speeds do differ. As for the rest of it it's as entertaining as always, even if I'm missing an out-of-the-therapy-room bit in the story, and that ending was... pretty sad! Pretty drawn out sadness. Even if disappearing food was an entertaining touch.


Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

The "four weeks" bit worked better on youtube, where we put up a new episode every two weeks. We're currently on episode 21! Just uploading them to NG after some time passes. Thanks for enjoying it! Even the prolonged sad portion.


Being a spider's no easy thing. XD Good to see an animation from the spider-side of the spectrum for once, and not the constant fear thereof! Animation's not bad, and easy to understand, but the quality seems a bit compressed? Audio too. A little better quality and it'd be perfect!


Zs-Animations responds:

Thank you very much:D

Bamboo Shoots!

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