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It sure was quite a sight! It's like a mixture between the Psycho animations and good ol' Betty Boop, that slowly turns from a happy journey to... something else entirely. Wasn't expecting her head to explode with that final scene though! I held some vague hope she'd make it out of there alright, alert the authorities and put an end to all that brainwashing, blood and folly. Or something such. Very nicely animated though, and the mood... definitely gets uncomfortable at the end there. Happy Early Halloween!


ClockworkPixel responds:

Thank you very much!
The beauty of old school cartoons is that no matter how it ends, our hero always returns ok in the next one haha

Well that was fun. :) I've watched a lot of these movies but never really taken the time to consider, or classify the paradoxes. Good thing other people did. Maybe even without time travel hmm. Good stuff. Simply infographics and crisp narration! Would like to see more like it.


RedOwlCS responds:

Thank you very much! Planning to do few more videos on the topic. :D

It's almost like a pilot! Preview? Teaser? Hope you make something more of this idea! It's got a lot of potential. Great animation, but it ends without really going all the way, IMO.


fernibbus responds:

This is an idea I’ve been sitting on for a couple years now, and I decided to finally kick in into gear this summer for a student film and animation competition! The deadline kinda snuck up on me (which is visible in the from some of the backgrounds and animation) so it’s not as developed as I’d like it to be story-wise. I’m currently working on a show bible and definitely want to make this a series!

You do wonder who's behind that voice and first-person perspective there... anonymous... interesting style, just like a game except for the voice acting (could that have been processed somehow to sound the same age of the game it was in? Great voicing otherwise), but comedy... hmm... strange kind of comedy! Good story otherwise. I like how it shifts, ever so slowly...


SpencerXavier responds:

thanks for the review. Yea i did think about processing the voice, maybe next time for another bit like this. The comedy of this was mainly inspired by how weird and uncomfortable a lot of PC98 games are.

Solid snake superpower summary. :) Smooth work!


SchmidtTimes responds:

Thanks a bundle, friend. Glad you enjoyed it!

I think I actually remember some of this! XD Ah those days... and that old layout too. Good times. Hard to tell what's old and what's new though hmm... gotta go back and see the old one too some time! If it's as much as it seems to be this isn't all that much after all, but well put together. Such a mesh of characters and Halloween references too, beasts and villains of all sorts. And it was a long time ago after all! Happy 10th anniversary on this! Nice work.

Also whatever happened to the old one? Didn't it pass judgment back then...?


SuperColoroid responds:

Thanks! You remember it? That's cool :)
I deleted my user account in 2013, so all my animations were erased from NG

The irony in making something like this with all that additional help. XD Well, maybe irony's not the right word. No doubt that's the idea though right? A creative twist on the basement theme! And solid work on the details; coloring. Even an official Fulp cameo! Somewhat.

So this is the secret huh. This is how you manage all you manage!


BrandyBuizel responds:

If there was a "wink" react I'd be using the crap out of it right now. I definitely wanted to go meta with this one, I'm really thankful for my awesome support team of friends that come in clutch for each other's projects!

Looks like they'll be at that for some time. XD The well-worded dialog, accent, high-speed chase in simple but well-animated 3D and silly situation of it all makes for pretty hilarious short. Good stuff.


TheBruvs responds:

Thank you - much appreciated. Pleased to get your feedback. In case you didn't know we have a load more stuff at our website TheBruvs.com .. more animations and links to new short sketch comedy podcasts with all the same characters. Please tell others about us.. any word-spreading is much appreciated. Thank you again for the comments. And the rating.

Demons playing a Ouija board hmm... was pretty much expecting the scare here to have something to do with humans. :D But not the final scene! Wasn't expecting that. You do hear horror stories about these so called investment bankers, but this... this was just... well done.


KloudKat responds:

Well, I'm certainly glad I managed to throw you for a loop there and give you a surprise! I'm glad you liked it!

That eerie music, the static, the race, the cats all staring at the camera as they drive away, as they all turn, and fall, and the demons come crawling in... it ends a bit abruptly, without conclusion, but otherwise I loved the build-up! Goosebump inducing work.


olbengc responds:

Thank you for the feedback!

i have to use my time more wisely next time (i was under a length of time restriction) so it doesn't end so abruptly

Bamboo Shoots!

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