lmao, looks like the series could be a bit more fun if it did! Nice idea.
lmao, looks like the series could be a bit more fun if it did! Nice idea.
Haha thanks ;)
Haha, that was awesome. One of the best Game Grumps animations I've seen in a while, and the style was refreshingly real for a change, cartoonified sure but the expressions weren't all over the top like the usually are. Nice portraits on the intro screen too. Keep it going!
Thanks a lot!
Strange things are going on the land of Minecraft! Tis another awesome episode... and it stays exciting. Nice work!
Thanks man!
Pretty cool idea for a series! And what a brutal fight too. Animation and voice acting is great, and the variation between the character's something you wouldn't get with only humans. Nice work!
Wow, its really awesome that you guys guys seem to be enjoying it. Thank you all for the words of encouragement!. I am hard at work on the next one and plan on making it even more over the top. Thanks again everyone
lol, no payback at the end there? I was expecting at least... something! This was awesome in its simplicity though, and the sketchy style works too, no need for color or detail, it gets the point across just fine. Keep it going!
greatly appreciate the love man, thank you :D
I learn something new with each one of these! Nice work.
This was pretty awesomely animated. Graphically; audioally it's just great, the effects are surreal. I was thinking as the shadows ran over the monster how that's a detail most animators overlook. Not really sure what's going on but... if this is part of a series I'm looking forward to more of it. Nice work!
Thank you! And yes, this is the prologue to the series Sky Hawks: Humanity's Revenge. Follow us here on Newgrounds, check out our website WatchSkyHawks.com and be sure to like us on facebook ( facebook.com/GoSkyHawksGo ) for more comprehensive updates.
Haha, not a MG fan, I mean I've never played the games, but the pun comes through well anyway. Tis obviously the 'Don't Fight It' thing Chico originally wanted to hear... or was that a completely irrelevant thing that only people not initiated in the franchise would realize? Anyway, animation, voice acting and everything: awesome work!
Dude thanks! The joke is that Snake has a new voice actor in the game, so the kid he's rescuing doesn't recognize him... DONT FIGHT IT!...
Heh, so the moral of the story is: be nice to stuffed animals or they'll massivle massacre you? Nice idea, and with the kind and colorful animation I wasn't expecting the twist. Nice mixture of gritty textures and flashy effects, keep it going!
Thank you. I was going for a kid's show style, like dora the explorer, so I'm glad that came across.
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04