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lol, crazy voice acting and crazy animation to go with it. The facial expressions are great but it's not just faces but all parts of them people, the bendy fingers, arms with a hundred joints, all the eh other stuff. Almost goes a bit overboard with the popping eyes though. Keep it going!


MrChambers responds:


Haha, that was an entertaining fight! :D The anime style is just perfect, and the characters... are they based on any 'real' counterparts or made up in the spur of the moment? Would be cool to view whichever series they belong too. Keep up the great work!


2Pstudios responds:

Thanks man!!
And about the chars, they're part of a game called "League of Legends" i'm pretty sure you already heard about it! ^^"

Awesome action! I'm wondering if he's a Cyborg or what? Seems a bit like Robocop... though not so much a cop. That croch grenade is a crazy detail lmao, great fluidity of the fight, plenty of variation, good music, good details (in things like how the record starts skipping and gets shut down when the guy's shot down). Hope for more like this!


PsychoSpider responds:

No he's just a guy in a bullet-proof suit and a lot of guns, and I'm really glad you liked it!

What an awesome form of a comic, animated, abstract; drastically detailed! I was expecting more than a single page though, but it is good. Looking forward to more! And btw, how about a larger resolution? Feels like this could be scaled up a bit without detail lost. Nice work!


Duhreetoh responds:

Thanks! Is there a way to do bigger resolution on NG? I looked for it and couldn't find it. It's made to be viewed much bigger.

Well that was... random. :D Crazy, provoking and comical all at the same time. I don't really get what's really going on, but the scenario's an entertaining watch. Start imagining what it'd be like with Pokemon as artists, all with their own theme song attacks based on catchy lyrics. Nice work!


Mosamabindrawin responds:

Thats a really creative thought id rather see that then the same old 'LOL PROFESSOR OAK DOESNT KNOW WHAT HIS GRANDSONS NAME IS' jokes

lmao, quite different symptoms than the ones I get from Internet withdrawals! :D What a caring finale, leaving him to be devoured by the beasts like that. Guess that's what it means to be a guinea pig. :P Nice work!


WaldFlieger responds:

Yeah, guinea pigs got it rough! Thanks! :)

lmao, so that's the reason the game hasn't seen the light of day yet. :) He's certainly doing a great job and doing no job! Didn't know his name was Gaben before this, but at the end it all makes sense, and no need for narrative either, great idea; great animation. I like the strange details too, like the doodles and that ninja clock swinging lethally behind his back (it's not based on a real item is it? cause that'd be awesome). Nice work!


RottenesK responds:

Thank you! ^^

And yes, the clock is based on Spy from Team Fortress 2 :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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