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An impressive body of work! :D A rap song actually made specifically for this showcase too? Pretty awesome. Was wondering about the music part, didn't recognize the artist but sounded like some mainstream stuff... great work!


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

The music artist ATO Worldwide, made us the song first, then we put the animation clips together. but yes he made the song with our characters and animations in mind! It was a lot of fun!

The mist...ery thickens! What a build of atmosphere towards the end there. Seems like other revelations are close too, wonder what the Madame really knows... you thought they were growing closer, but maybe there's a secret here just waiting to jump out. Love the suspense! Looking forward to the next part!


railtoons responds:

So many secrets and revelations you won't know what to do with yourself! And triple bonus points for the mist/mystery pun.

Best one yet. XD Really stirring the controversia too! Dark matter. Violence. Religion. It's got it all, along with well-equipped wit and weather duckery. Just ironic I always watch these things late night!


threebrain responds:

hahaha good that you watch them late night cause today's just went up :-X late as balls.

A really really short teaser, but it does what it does well! After watching I really do want to see more, and find out more, what sinister deed the sirens cried about, who this main character really is, where the trail of fire leads... so far seems promising!


Annmariesch76 responds:

Thank you!

Long live the queen literally! :D An entertaining Monday episode, though recording quality seems to shift towards the near end a bit? Thanks for the morning entertainment!


threebrain responds:

yeah something got messed up with the mic. Fixing. Thanks!

Was wondering if it would end so abruptly as the minutes closed in, but looks like... there's more to come? :D Seems like a massive project! And with so much detail too. The journey through hell was the most impeccable part yet, with the roots, the giants, the gore and fire and all... then when they started going up the stairs everything seemed so simple, but you fit in a joke about that too. :)

Love the unexpected turns this is taking, the comedy's gold but the visuals that go along with it: really something else! I'd say eight months of hard work really paid off! Hope and look forward to whatever's yet to come!


OblitusCS responds:

Yes there is more to come! The 2 parts you've seen are actually PART 1, I had to split it in 2 because the file was to big to upload all at ones here on NG. The adventure will continue with God and the Devil going to Olympus and visiting the ancient greek Gods, sadly I haven't started doing it yet, there are a few other animations I want to do before going into that one, but I'll definetly continue their story.
Hell is my personal favorite part, I had a lot of fun doing it, originally there was going to be a lot more going on, I had some cool ideas with God interacting with that world, they were also supposed to run into famous bad people like Hitler but I decided not to take it there, that is why it feels a little rushed.
To conclude, thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me, I know it sounds cliche but it really means a lot, I will keep doing this no matter what, but a pat in the back one's in a while gives me the strengh to keep going.
I'll see you in the next one. Best of luck with everything my friend!
- Jack

Oh man, this was awesome! XD Love their personalities! And that you didn't stress the pace either, nor the details. The way the sun rays play behind the pillars, and the heavenly kingdom is presented, and God sitting in the bathroom... all of it feels polished to the point of perfection! Jesus Christ made an entertaining cameo too, and the story, that there needs to be a balance between the two worlds, it makes for a pretty epic tale to back up the comedy! About to head over to the second part soon and see how it fares there, though considering how much backstory there is it feels strange it'd be possible to end properly with just two parts...

As for the'defects' you mention: I don't think the pacing is bad at all, I feel like it lets you really savor the details, and the journey, though I do agree about the voice acting. If not else it feels like it'd add a lot with some characters voiced by someone else, so you can really differentiate between them, but at least having both God/the Devil voiced by the same guy, just with the same tone, that works perfectly. :)

Awesome work so far; onto the next!


OblitusCS responds:

Hey!!! good to hear from you!!! I can't thank you enough for this, I was hoping for at least one person to appreciate all the work I put into this and here you are.
I had some doubt with the pacing because it doesn't fit the way most people do animations now, which is short, fast and straight to the point. With this one you have to relax, pay attention and get yourself inmerse in the world, I know most people won't do that but I'm glad that you did.
As for the voice acting, although I feel like now I'm getting better with it, I'll definetly use other voice actors in the future, anything to improve the overall watching experience.
Thanks again man, I'm checking your opinion on part 2 now, see you there.

Now that was pretty creepy! I remember the pixel nightmares of previous years, and this duology (?) seems to follow suit! Love how the atmosphere just builds and builds, with pixel perfect artwork and 9 bit music in back. A masterful, macabre, game-like nightmare (imagine if it was in Flash too, all those interactive elements could really be interactive) that leaves you feeling pretty... hollow! Usually when it gets too visual the nightmare element seems to leave, but somehow these are all an exception to that rule, maybe it's how there's always an element of the unknown remaining, you never truly go through the door and figure everything out, and the hopelessness keeps creeping in. Awesome work!


ClockworkPixel responds:

thank you very much :) I'm very proud of this one and hope the next entry only improves!

Pretty good one this time, interesting tid-bits of the know! Wonder if that alien's been a frequent cameo all along btw, and I just happened to start watching this in the one episode he didn't appear, or if it's a new thing with all these recent ones? Appreciated eerie break and entertaining three tings! Good stuff.


threebrain responds:

haha thanks! This one had some mistakes cause I made it in my car. Was on a road trip. Yeah I want the alien to get up in there more. Maybe do some alien news :-O

Bamboo Shoots!

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