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Pretty solid promo here. :) Not sure about that giving away money to strangers bit but... if it's for something like this: might be worth it! :D Awesome showcase here.


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Main character reminds me a bit of Winry from Full Metal Alchemist... sitting on a train too. It all looked really familiar in the beginning, but of course the setting soon really shifts to something else! This is what happens when you're not good huh... nice twist on the classic tale, and I like the idea, even if jump scares don't really scare as much as the brooding. Merry Christmas?


TraineeArtist responds:

Haha that was totally unintentional, but I love FMA so I'm fine with that! But thank you, I'm glad you liked it, and a Merry Christmas (?) to you too!

Was expecting there to be some kind of ending twist where it turns out they're just normal boys after all. :) Beating each other with branches or something... the severity of this surprises, but I love the style! So bad-ass with all the glow and special fx. Sound design is on point too! Awesome work.


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you! Yeah there we're so many interesting ways to end it but it was sitting on my hard drive for so many years, I needed to finish what was there and let it go. Glad you enjoyed the work we put into it. :)

Somehow I question the accuracy here. XD If it is anything like this though: guess it might not take such a long time to get through after all! Fingers crossed.


Koray98 responds:

I really should take that quote into my movie haha XD

Good, classy gundams VS Godzilla type action. :) Sound design seems kind of weird with all the cartoony sounds, and occasional atmospheric noise, but so much silence between them. Maybe it's part of the style though. Good fun to watch all the way, and the animation's smooth too. Not bad.


POSTBOY responds:

Thanks dude! Sound design was kind of a rush job as i needed this done to graduate but even so i couldve done a better job lol.

Really enjoying the vibe here! Smooth animation, smooth music and a spacey voyage to match. Not sure about the orange outlines at the end, but for the most part it all floats together nicely.


scottwjsm responds:

Always appreciate your critique! Thanks Cyberdevil have a great NewYear! Love ya man

I guess if those guys get caught they're... going to food court. :P Good stuff.


ratchili responds:

..BAZINGA. Thanks for the support, dude!

DM's PM here on NG ya know. ;) But I do love these Bear-based bits of crazy, Christmas related and all as they are with this one! Was not expecting such a victim though. XD But that ending... hmmmmmm... horse head in bed like The Godfather? Whatever happened to Santa's big revenge? Not really catching that bit...


theBEARtrap responds:

Dm's / PM's , tomato/tomahto :D and thank you for your review, We will do our best to clarify anything that might seem confusing in any future shorts. I really do appreciate your support and glad you enjoyed this. If you have any questions I can't answer em here but you can hit me up in PM*. Cheers! Happy holidays

-Mike Lewis

Not sure how that flashback really related to the eye hmmmmm... I like the animation style, both creative and detailed, but the story itself... seems like it just jumps into something you might need prerequisite knowledge for here. Even though it's the first episode. Maybe it'll all make sense with the sequels though... either way it's an interesting start! Looking forward to seeing more.


engageanimation responds:

Thanks for the feedback it's much appreciated!! We were trying to create an ongoing gag that develops in subsequent episodes where Gerry has more flashbacks and more is revealed to the audience including how he lost his eye. We did cut a small clip out when Gerry returns from his flashback in this episode where he makes reference to his eye saying "that was the same night I lost my eye, not quite sure how that happened though..." but maybe we should add that back in based on your feedback. Anyway thanks again!!! :)

What a trip! Overindulgence, temporal insanity, psychedelic self-loathing and cynical... would've thought it was a drug-induced delirium more than a session of psychological turmoil and self-insight if the description didn't say it... a certain part of me relates, a certain feels it's just too exaggerated to feel real, a certain part that it's disturbingly well done;. Really captures that angst of existential crisis. Whatever part triumphs it was something else! And you keep the madness going for soo long. Too. Work of art. I do feel it could've ended in a darker, deeper; somehow more conclusive way, though!


Cookerzilla responds:

I agree with the conclusion bit- I had some reservations when coming back to the edit on this film and think i should've had a miniature brain show up at the end with him interacting with it (duh)

Appreciate your kind words my friend!!!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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