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They sure have a pretty all-encompassing armory over there... next one ought to be interesting.


Ushnor responds:

The Clock Mecha Suit Mk. III? it will be a terror to behold

Oh man laughing my ass off on this one. XD So that's how you cure the bloat hmm, a little belly button suction. Got it.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

if CD laughed im done. I did it! goodbye =D

Something...about everyone in the CC getting syphilis...? Like It Follows, the disease travels from one to the next, before they all plummet to a symbolic death at the edge of their mountain of life and energy. But then what about them weeds and foodstuff... I think I need to stop jumping in on random episodes.

Nice transition from that spin to the clocking.


Pop-Tart responds:

Some of these entries are just Gir shitting out random stuff that he wants. He's out of control!

Changing the path of time with the power of logic! :O SBC truly is a venerable foe. Or savior. Or both. The way the description linked back to the start I thought this might be the end but... looking forward to the next bit too.


Ushnor responds:

The end? We still have 2/3rds of the flash flood to go, Cyberdevil

That plan sure backfired woo! Traumatic childhood memories though... seems the next episode may delve into some painful memories. Origins. The story behind this strangely vulnerable undertaker...

Or no. Good stuff though.


Ushnor responds:

good idea, perhaps I should explore the origin of ThorClocks megalomaniac designs

So that's how y'all do it. The way you eat though... I always thought those clocks were like your eyes. My anatomical knowledge seems to be somewhat lacking here.

Or if you do eat through your eyes: kinda disturbing.


RobertClock responds:

the clockface reads visually as an eye but it also functions as a mouth and nose when required!

Oooh those trippy effects! This definitely went places I didn't expect it to... appreciatively unexpected but also very slice-of-life like. Good fun.


Mylo33 responds:

Thank you Cyberdevil! Great feedback, so happy you had a good time with it!


Not really getting that command but I do like this style! :D Ever played Specter Supreme Pop-Tart? Probably not inspired by that but it'd be pretty cool if it actually was...

Sitting with immense anticipation as to the party pick-up after this preliminary pause.


Pop-Tart responds:

The story thus far is the android Girclock has been hacked and is producing movies as Pop-Tart, who had a panic attack and bailed on the CC again.

Is Girclock perhaps trying to send a message to the rest of the crew? Will Poly's robot be the one to make contact? Time shall tell.

Or maybe not. I'm totally winging this sh!t.

I only. XD I love this but wonder how fair use will fare with this on NG...


PapaLegba responds:

They told me they love it!

I like the white lines for added intensity... original might've been another level of realism but: well done. interesting to see all those breakdowns too.


PenciltipWorkshop responds:

Thank you. The white lines and the brief shift to wide screen were a last minute addition.
I'm happy that I put it in looking back.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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