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They are indeed. Though sad is that BB10 fate...

Also wait... Gyros Group... is this the beginning of a new establishment? The next level of CC? An identity the masses can undividedly relate to and appreciate fully with animated flavor like no other?! This could be a thing...


RealRedbookClock responds:

Gyros my dude, gyros are delicious

If I ever expected you to make content, then serious content might've been the type I'd expected the least... it's a message worth spreading though. Hope people chip in.

Video's simple but effectual. No filler. Straight to the point, with a little appreciative background ambience and narration to maybe save a nation. I do like nature...


RAMUSH responds:

And nature likes you back. Thanks for feedback! Happy you liked and more content coming soon! Stay great!


Depression likes Red Bull? :P What a way to celebrate twenty... but it's cool you're learning to handle it, and managing to present the darkness in a brighter light too. Great shifts, great interactions, not the most advanced imagery but effectual such, and the song: it's catchy! :D I could keep this on loop a while.

Feels like it's a theme pretty much everyone can relate to too. Good to see you're still making these, and getting better and better, AND hitting 20 in 2020! :D Being born right on the first year of the millennium's pretty cool hmm. Happy Birthday, a bit belated! Hope things keep looking brighter and brighter moving on! Life's just full of ups and downs, but how you handle them shows what kind of person you really are; how far you can really get. Good handle.


DIWAKAR responds:

Haha, Yes it does. And thanks man. XD

Audio quality/balance isn't the best here but the rest's not bad! Seems the movements are improving. Happy Birthday man. Looking forward to that new animation! And maybe that album too, not sure what to expect there...

Wonder which of those categories this falls into though: criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. Fair use doesn't really cover everything you know. ;) But hope they let this slide...


stevetherapper responds:

Thanks! Recorded the other voices because I couldn’t save them to my phone. :/

I’m working on an animated song which the song will come in February 7, but the animation will be uploaded in February 28. Then I will continue working on Steve’s Life.

I don’t know which of the categories it falls into, I did rush it so I couldn’t make a proper script for it. I hope they let it slide too.

Thanks for the criticism, Cyberdevil! Keep on rewieving and criticizing!

It really is a type of stick figure (not really the typical stick figure either - no lack of detail here) adventure you don't usually see! With a very different kind of threat, with a slower pace, with focus on scenery as much as on the action itself, and always ominous background music a brewing behind a team of tight-knit soldiers where everyone has a very uniquely sculpted personality... I might be biased though. Took some time to get the lines right and in character as they were meant to be. :P I doubt you can perceive as much in the act or audio as there really is in the backstory. Hopefully that keeps improving though, and the character with each character comes across more and more. I still feel the script and accentuation aren't really the most natural all the time, but better and better...

I love the premise, and what a personal adventure it becomes when everyone in a way plays their own role. The main flaw to me is maybe that it does take a while to really start feeling the desperation of their world; that even the elements are against them. When the rain first falls here you hear the thunder and yet... you only get a small glimpse of the threat in the water. It simply moves on to the next scene. The fighting is also all in good fun and practice at first, until the ants show up en masse, and suddenly everything changes...

It feels like it's a story that requires patience to get into, and I wonder if the pacing would be better if it moved faster or not. Since the wait also enhances the mood when something actually does happen maybe this is the right way, just hope viewers give it the time it needs for the atmosphere to really build. It feels like both a strength and weakness that way. Something that separates this from similar work, but also doesn't really give you an instant adrenaline rush from the start. Knowing what's to come maybe you have more anticipation from the get go; know it'll just keep getting better and better as it goes. But not everyone might give it that chance.

Appreciate the amount of effort that goes into all the details too, both with the animation and the interface, with extras and character bios and everything. Really cool how the character weaknesses are based on real diagnoses, and that the little card below that part of their personality actualy links to a Wikipedia page with more info about each one. Surprisingly enlightening little detail I think most viewers might miss there (also seems like all links work fine in the .exe version - it lags less as well - nice idea providing that as an option). Regarding the lag though: still can't quite escape it! Seems if you right-click and choose low quality the script overrides it for each new chapter too. Would be nice if the right-click worked the same way as the built-in toggle. Though I know I'm on a bit old hardware at this point, for most maybe this is no problem...

Overall it's been a pleasure to be a part of this, and looking forward to seeing the story unfold in full with the next part. Feels like this one ends right before you really realize the tragedy too, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the tone will keep changing in the next one, darker but also: maybe so much more immersive...

Also still surprised nobody's posted a review here yet! This long a commitment deserves some recognition at the least. ;) Good stuff.


Mejson responds:

Thank you @Cyberdevil for such a comprehensive and comprehensive commentary.

I think the action seems to be slow to develop, but it results from the fact that creating the animation itself is not easy and the fact that I do it myself - that's why it goes so long creating.

After all, it gives me pleasure and I do it for my fans - I greet you warmly.

Feels like there might be certain Pokemon-specific references here I'm not really catching, something about that unexpected escape... but nice animation. It's not the smoothest, but I appreciate how much detail's gone into each frame. All that shading. The battle bit in particular was well done.


ElaborateBagel responds:

(Occasionally Pokemon can run from encounters whilst "frozen solid!", for some reason)

The game of dreams. :) I love the ambiguity of how this starts and ends, how you could see her as journeying into the actual game, or simply having a great time with it, or drifting into the dream world and living the game there... the worlds mesh and come together, all in such a fluent yet minimlistic pixel trip with accompanying musical chiptune bit.

I feel like more layers to the music would've enhanced it even more, and the backgrounds weren't all the most detailed, but it was a fun ride. Honorable Pixel Day homage. Nice work.


gatekid3 responds:

yeah Im not the best musician, but like with the raddish i just made whatever felt... like something, idk. More time in the music might have been time well spent though.
and yeah, backgrounds are noooot my strongsuit. You can deffinately see that in my last pixel day entry as well....though i think the first raddish one was pretty decent somehow.

It ALMOST loops! Would've been just perfect if it did. Overall though it was a surprisingly relaxing and comfortable thing. The rainy day aspect of it all somehow comes across in the music too... so suitable.

I wonder how it would've been with a little background rain. A window. Or the sound of raindrops pelting on the roof along with it. But: not a bad jam man.


spicybagel responds:

Almost added rain sfx and now I wish I did haha

Voices really bring this to the next level! :) Nice work PixieWillow too. Beautiful, sensual, easily loopable bondage material... very nice.


Aster-Effect responds:

loopable bondage material? ^^;
yeah, also thank you very much as always
and glad you enjoy it ;3

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