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The harder you fail... the more interested you'll be in trying again at whatever you failed at hmm? Not sure that's how it usually works. XD I do imagine it might be quite fun if you do somewhat master the mannerism of this particular arena though! Never got into it myself but: entertaining to hear about it!

Also, just can't help notice that the butt image isn't perfectly timed to the but.

A few of the others too. And yeah some lipsync would be good but overall: good fun! Looking forward to listening in to more of these.


AustinJayCook responds:

Thanks a million man I appreciate it :D Yugioh is a weird game for sure, however I actually end up fixing a few things in the future episodes, just haven't had time to upload them here :)

More coming soon. ;)

Well that was different. XD Not a bad bounce, though the rest of her seems unnaturally immobile... for some reason I read the title as BowsetteSmurfette btw, if ever... you feel like making a spin-off version nobody's ever probably made before. :P Not bad.


Thesneakyzone responds:

Ye, I was trying to put it as a gif for a thingy, but the thumbnails glitching was driving me nuts a bit, so I just decided to upload this one as a movie, but I will deal with the characters being immobile next time though, I usually tend to add more movement, but thanks for letting me know.

Flow of both animation and rap gets pretty crazy here! Still it has that appreciative ambience to it all the way through, and a story that goes past the animation itself. Wondering if the screen need flicker as much as it does to get that flickering effect, but other than that: awesome work.


bucketboi responds:

thanks for the feedback, glad you could enjoy it. I'm with you on the flickering parts, my goal was to give it the feeling of a dream, like how a moment can cut between each other but after watching a couple times it does feel a little too much at points. I'll take that on for my future projects.
thanks for watching

Well that was crazy. XD In a good way... animation quality is a bit simple but the only thing I'd really like to see improved is the recording quality. Balance isn't always the best, and quality's a bit fuzzy. Fun to watch, though!


Snackers responds:

haha oh man, funny how you actually went back to watch this, surprised you actually liked it a lil. yeah the audio quality/mixing is a mistake I won't make again, and the animation in the new one won't be as lazy

Hey I can see that house too. XD I like hose visions really manifest here... and all so much stronger when the main animation's in such a simple style. You really went all out with that idea though... feels like it goes way past the punchline, might've been enough to just stop when he made his choice. Good fun though.


IveBenJamin responds:

Thank you

Hmm a bit much on the sound effects? XD The voicing and weather and background music's great, but the blops and other effects any time she moves, or blinks, or does anything basically... it's a bit much! XD Then again... it's pretty nice... maybe I can get used to this. Overall a fun little short. Not so much comedy as: just fun to watch.


PenguinPotential responds:

Thanks for the feedback cd! I'll make my next animation a bit more subtle with sounds. It might just be the volume, which I didn't take much time to work with. I'm also working on making the next animation a bit longer (no deadline this time) and working on my writing, so it should be a bit more fun as well ^^ Have a good day and I hope you'll look forward to my next project!

Now this was a new take on the Christmas thing! :D The heavy metal music had me feeling like something big was about to happen but... I guess burping birds is a pretty big thing too! It's a Christmas miracle! Happy New Year!


VolFMaple responds:

Happy New Year!

Do appreciate the music, and this was a pretty cool visualizer too! The spins, the shift, the occasional rushes... it had more going on than I expected it to. A good beat to have bumping in the background and good on the eyes, too. Nice work.


DreamEater responds:

Thank you so much for the love and feedback CD, I greatly appreciate the kind words.

You are the best!

Bamboo Shoots!

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