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Heeey it's an Eddsworld tribute! :D It started pretty good, albeit maybe a bit close in to the characters, but moving on to stick figure action and fades rather than animation... could've gone further I think. Program the limit...? Always nice with a tribute though.


stevetherapper responds:

Alright! Thanks for ze review!

Well that was a dark start. :/ Unexpected first-episode character cameos aaand then back to the comedy! Sort of. Intrigue growing with each one though, and the characters too...


TheWhaleAnimation responds:

I do like to indulge in a bit of the darkness from time to time, lower lows make for higher highs :D

Always great hearing from ya!
Looking forward to what you think about next weeks episode!

The square's not so square after all. :) But more so: the circle came to terms with it too... such a simple premise but: kinda emotional ending nevertheless... the music probably chips in quite a bit too. I wonder how all of this would've been with real characters though, in a way it feels like shapes might've been used just to simplify, but then again they are a creative bit too, and it's like they create a story from what could've been a basic platformer element too in their current form. All pretty nice after all. Do like the shifting textures too.


newgamingspies responds:

Thank you so much for your response. I'm glad it's resonating with all emotionally who watch it.
Doing my Diploma was an amazing learning experience for me, letting me know that story is everywhere, and characters are all around, even rocks! So this was a challenge for me, and luckily, I learnt during my Diploma days that I FRIGGEN LOVE challenges.

This song really reminds me of some other song hmm... can't quite place it. Is there any intentional reference? Enjoying the twists here, fun twists in the beginning with the ear, the room, etc but... it took a dark turn towards the end there! Is that... death? Depression? The always-present darkness just waiting to consume us if we fall? If is there but... the world's not all bleak and black either! 19: it's just the beginning! Happy Birthday somehow doesn't seem that suitable to say right now but eh... hope you had one. Somewhat.

Anyway this was really well-done. Simple animation, but well-paced and smooth, good pace, good music (I mean your voice isn't amazing but: with that guitar it's not bad!), a really ominous finale too... nice sound design for the new partner too... interesting to see what kind of presence he might have in next year's animation. The LazyMuffin inspiration seems clear btw but I'm glad you're doing these too. Could be a fun wave for a lot of artists to jump on.


DIWAKAR responds:

Thanks a lot dude. Happy to know that you enjoyed it.

For anyone who wants to see the tool part of the process the watermarks block things a bit, but otherwise: pretty smooth speedpaint.


KittyStarfArts responds:

thank you, this will be something i'll keep in mind next time i make a video

Dinosaur Boy suddenly turned into a real detective fiction/murder/noir type drama. XD Two characters coming together though... bound to get interesting in the next one! Seems a bit shorter this one btw. Not that I mind. Long enough to be entertaining still. Looking forward to seeing where this all goes!


TheWhaleAnimation responds:

We progressively get weirder, looking forward to what you hear on the next few episodes! The next one is a huge downer, and the fourth episode contains the weirdest scene I have ever written in the past three years of screenwriting. Should be an interesting ride.

In terms of length, I think episode two is the shortest of the season. Episode three clocks in at around six and a half minutes, episode four is around eight minutes and episode five is still in the editing bay. I like to believe that every episode is as long as it has to be.

Thanks for the review man! Looking forward to hearing what you think about the next one :)

Thought this'd be more of a parody on a commercial product really not working like it should, bot and all, but hey, some actual action! :D Good fun. Smooth animation. Smooth music. Not bad.


KevinTrentin responds:

thank you, I thought about it but I had already started doing the animation and I did not want to change the storyboard

apart I have more animations to do and I had to finish

This just gets better and better. :) Maybe the somewhat inconsistent style could be something to work on a bit though? For example how when the white dude bashes the other one on the ground at first the trails on the ground are white, but when he blasts off they're dark... seems strange it'd differ, even if it is a stylistic choice. There are a few things like that, though seems like less with the second fight, and the fights, woah, brutal! No mercy. One after the other though. They just keep coming.

Do like the variation, and the white one's got a trick up his sleeve too. Shadows... that part was unexpected. Doesn't seem like they really get along as well as possible though. XD Even with all that violence there's a little comedy to this after all...

Visually, the different angles, more detailed close-up shots and special effects (aftereffects?) really bring this to a whole new level. Considering how much work went into this it seems it really deserved a higher score! Maybe the first bit doesn't give a perfect first impression, as it really gets better and better the further it goes, but that is the right order too. Really a blast to watch this. Maybe also possible to improve: the expressions, when shown, often seem somewhat simple compared to the fights. Very reaction-based. And with the bone-breaking bits and brutal end scenes for all characters... not sure they add to it, somehow feels like a stickfigure fight doesn't usually go there. Maybe you'd relate more to the main character if he didn't show such murderous intent, really beating down on his foes even when it seems to be over?

Well, the larger whole of this: awesome. :D Can't wait for the next one! Whenever the time comes. Really shows how much work went into this too. Also, regarding not using the shadow clones earlier: I think that was a good choice. A good fighter keeps an ace up his sleeve if possible. If he didn't need them, which it didn't seem like he did, then it'd be good to keep them hidden until he did. Anyway, great work. Looking forward to what comes next.


AshisAnimation responds:

Thankyu for giving me your precious time..it means a lot for me you seen small small bit of my work.. so i am gratefull towards you.by the way thanks for your comment and i will inform you when ever the next part will release.

Well that went crazy fast. XD Despite the sometimes not always so solid visuals the animation's easy to follow, the scripts not bad, the sound design... it could use some static. The voices don't really fade in or out, but all come with background static that's just taken away suddenly, and the rest of it silent. Some noise reduction if you can, or better audio quality overall, would bring that bit to the next level! And the animation could use more detail, but it's good fun so far. Not bad.


stevetherapper responds:


Bamboo Shoots!

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