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Another awesome episode! Nwar and Blanche seem like the optimal duo, was thinking that she wouldn't be more than s die-character after she was randomly thrown out because she was smoking hot... cigarettes, so, the end was a nice surprise! As always great narrative, and a pretty clever plot too. Keep it going!


danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks again! There's probably going to be a bonus mini episode on YouTube next week, and then the next full episode in a few weeks!

The best part of this is the voice acting, and the script, it's such a powerful narrative that it wouldn't matter if there was no animation at all - but the animation's good. It enforces the atmosphere even further. And woah, there's a game trailer waiting after the pilot ends! :O Nice... whatever this turns into I'm looking forward to it! Hope you assemble a creative crew that pulls through and makes this happen!


Alucard responds:

8 years into the future and here we are doing content together bro!!

lmao, what an ending! This seems way too pro111! to be a spam series. ;) Really though, the animation's great, slick and fluent, with some entertaining speech, good music and plenty of carness. Couldn't ask for more, keep it going!


juanford66 responds:

ill try make moar episodies i promise, if i can.

I think this pilot might mark the start of an awesome series! Though, attempting to think up future potential plots, it seems like with the vast icy widths of this glacial landscape there'd be little to focus on other than fish, penguins (well maybe a few other animals), and fire and ice... all elements of which this episode contains. I wonder who gave him that pckage of fish sticks though? Might be something to build upon there! :) If you can think up more, I'd be happy to see more. Keep it going!


ItsChickenPIES responds:

Thank you for your kind words, your points are definitely valid and I will try to make a storyline that is both interesting and entertaining, as you said being arctic based means there is limits to what can and can't be there. I have ideas for the series and I hope people like what I come up with.
Thanks for the feedback bud:)

lol, double twist. I thought these Just a Mask cartoons had reached a conclusion already! Nice work though.


just2pale responds:

Yeah a bit late, but saw a new trailer and thought I'd do a quick take on it.

Ffor once I wish the file would've actually taken a bit longer to load! That introductory message was intense. The movie itself, well it was pure genius, for a moment I was thinking it'd be as random as it seemed to be but... the pun was introduced right from the start! Should've caught on earlier. Great work.


Alsnowman responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you saw the alternative original ending coz for a day or two it was gonna just be that exactly, just a completely random vid; but it was terrible so I went back to the drawing board.

Bamboo Shoots!

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