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That ragdoll-like effect. XD It's fun to watch though... the endless alarm... eventually it starts taking it's toll on you! You just want to smash it, and then... he actually does! I thought that'd be the thing, but it gets even more entertaining from thereon out, though if this really is his ritual everyday, man, it'll take the rest of the day to fix everything up and prepare for the next one... props on a fun idea and really original presentation of it! So crazy. I think this is that kind of style that works best the first time. All new.


sheenufilms responds:

Thank you so much! It was definitely an experimental thing for me lol. Glad you like it!

What a hybrid of genres! :D Solid animation, solid voice acting... and a very atmospheric build-up at the beginning! Pretty cool how it retains the style from the games too. Bright. Without outlines. References are probably mostly lost on me since I never went particularly deep into either of these franchises, but twas an entertaining watch. Nicely done.


M4LAnimations responds:

Thank you so much for watching and enjoying it so much. That really means a lot to me :)

The game's starting to look more and more fun with each of these parodies. :) Characters with personalities, good music, good fun and pace, sceneries that remind of those old Hanna Barbera cartoons too - it's a blast to watch! Nice work.


LZbros responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! Do give the game a go if you're interested :P

Madness never looked so cute before! :D The combination bunnies and merciless killing machines feels both refreshingly new and kinda sad, all those cute critters blasting each other to oblivion, but it's a working combo, similar to Worms. Cute creatures and carnage!

The action's not always as fast-paced as it could be, but maybe it goes with the style, wobbly bunny legs and all, and there's a lot of variation in both scenes and styles and character closeness. Even a pretty intense car chase in the mix.

Appreciate the occasional bunny dynamics with moving ears and what-not, and how it actually ends conclusively. Fun to watch from start to finish, with both ambient and fast-paced music that seems to go well with the style and fit all parts. Great work all, and BIG props on bringing Bunny Kill back to life again! It's been too long.


Eshio responds:

Thank you very much! :)

Gotta love that humor. XD Though there's a lot here I wouldn't consider particularly British... interesting/entertaining work! Smooth animation too.


LOTAC responds:

You don't think a car horn rendition of God Save the Queen is British enough for you?!....

That's fair tbh

Thanks as always for the lovely words CD! Keep on keeping on brother

An intro, a few shorts and a grand finale! I like how it builds up; leads you in to the story... though how it all ends in that particular place... kinda sad! Cynical. A sobering moment. A dystopia caught up with the comical main character cast. Well it might've been fun if it wasn't final. The End.

I was thinking the twist would be that it was the ocean btw, salt water, but then again maybe Mutt & Chopps wouldn't be entirely that clueless... always appreciate a twist I don't expect too.

The filming's great, the backgrounds hazy but realistic, the saturated colors and sand and everything float together easily, the soundtrack's subtle but atmospheric and the story's easy to follow. Voices are clear. Angles are creative. All in all it's a wholesome series, well-made in all areas and with a simple but fun premises with soo much potential in adventure. Was a pleasure to watch this all the way! And I wouldn't mind seeing more in the same vein.


AlmightyHans responds:

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Your review means a lot to us.
You could say the ending is optimistic or cynical, depending on how you look at it! ;)

It's like DBZ and the Sonic universe combine. Fast-paced music and ferocious battle. Short, but not bad.


SolarFoxProductions responds:

Thanks again, Cyberdevil!

Starts up good, looks dystopian, atmospheric... when the music kicks in that's when the insanity really starts though! Love the vibe. All the real video footage almost felt cheapening at first, less work on animation, less darkness, but at the same time plenty of education there - and then the animation really gets real! Goes all out. Goes all the way... till it's over.

Always appreciate music with a message, and it doesn't just follow the beat well but slows down and moves with it, too. With all the pro-drug music we need more like this! Real well put together.


MHR-cartoon responds:

Hey, thank you for your review!

An impressive battle! :D The way they remain friends even at the end though, hmm, Hinata sure is nice. Smooth work with voices, animation and all. The movement between sprites and normal drawings work well too, and it's definitely not just a quick battle! Living up to it's name.


Jozarto responds:

Much appreciated. I'm glad you found enjoyment in it! I worked really hard on this and really appreciate your comment.

Was just wondering what happened to that bomb. XD You've got a pretty unique style here! The angles could be better sometimes, but it's easy to follow, and fun to watch. Good expressions.

Was thinking there might be a twist with those skeletons btw, that maybe... they were all a big skeleton family; they'd attack the King together? :P Maybe something for another one!


JannerBros responds:

Hi cyberdevil!.... Thanks for taking your time to review the content. I will surely try to improve next time and i just tried to make the animations simple and more animations are in progress! Hope you enjoy that too. Thanks again!

Have a good day cyberdevil!

Bamboo Shoots!

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