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So is this... going to be a thing? :O So awesome if it was! The music.The animation. The unrestrainedness of it all. So awesome. Curious about who plays God here hmm, maybe it said in the credits though... overall amazing work with this!


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

Its actually the youtube star Ricepirate (Mick Lauer). We had the chance to work with him on a disney XD project and had a great time working with him. And he was a great spirit and didn't mind making a fool of himself for this project.

Except for one thing: there is no exit. :P Once you enter these grounds...


supfool responds:

Yeah, I get what you mean. Thanks for the 5!

Aaaa so many good choices in this one! :D I'll have to go with the cheesiest one though. #3. That's really gonna stick to memory for some time. Overall though great work all! Animation, dialog; entertainment factors. Lotsa variation between all of them.


rubberonion responds:

october is always a good month! thanks for voting!

Thought this would have more to do with that classic rap sample considering the name, buuut it did entertain! Using some music there that might not hold the test of time (copyright claims) tho.


stevetherapper responds:


Looks like something's about to go down at the end there! The walk looked a bit robotic (well considering the theme maybe that's intentional), but everything else: so realistic! So fluent and detailed. Both the style and the premises reminds me of Ghosts in a Shell, with a somewhat darker; more mature tone to it... not sure what story this is trying to tell, but I'd love to see more! For a first animation in particular: very impressive.


Coutto responds:

Thanks for the critique man, yes that part actually makes me cringe a lil bit lol, i still have a lot to learn, and i'm already working on a new project, its going to take a while to get out, but i think i'll improve a lot the animation. Yes, Ghost in the Shell was my main reference, along with Akira and Parasite Dolls

Well that was fast. XD Flawless though. A little bit of big fun!


coltenseamans responds:


The style sure changed between these episodes. :) The guy grows. Evolves. Sucks in the fat of life as he journeys through the cosmos, and goes from just barely a silhouette to a living, breathing cartoon character with something in his mouth... to high on civilization. One whit the good life. One outside the spectrum. One seeing two of the one, and being one with the tune and... that was a pretty cool trip after all! I gotta catch up on those FDS episodes too...


Kolumbo responds:

Oh man, what a ride reading that review was. Awesome!
Thanks for the kind words, Cyberdevil!

Pretty truthful to the original after all. :) Wasn't so much parody to this as I expected (assumed there'd be more to laugh at, but it was just as crazy as the real thing) but masterful claymation! The snow... I guess that's After Affects? Nice work.


dexheartwood responds:

I tried to do my best. Yeah the snow is in AE, it's definitely impossible to reproduce it in stopmotion. Thanks a lot for your comment I appreciated a lot :)

Lotsa expressions! :) Pretty smooth showcase here with good audio to back it up, fading away professionally sometimes to make way for that background audio... not a bad mix. Would've been cool if there was more variation with style and scenery, but it is what you make that you make it after all! Not bad.


Yusuf responds:

Hopefully once I started getting pushed into animating for other people's projects, I'll have more variety in style to show off. I can adapt pretty easily, I just don't have a reason to change my style right now, haha. Thanks man.

So the scenario... is that they've all been shrunk down in size? Where? How? Why? All kinds of questions pop up when it begins, and makes you wonder if there might be a prequel somewhere, or how it was all arranged... but once you start getting into it it's all good after all! Good story, and so much detail with the characters. Impressive level of detail, which does show in how Flash occasionally bogs down a bit... couldn't run it with highest quality after all.

Btw the presentations: don't seem to open correctly? Old link maybe? Overall nice work! Looking forward to catching up on this, and seeing the sequels later on too.


Mejson responds:

This is deliberate :) Your questions... this will be explained during the whole saga of Reduce: P
I will try to make sure there are no lags in Reduce 2 :) And the animation will be in 1000 x 700 px, so everything will be better visible :)

Old links? Rather, they should be for links on NG, sorry for my mistake.

Reduce 2 will be much more: interesting, zero lags, more actions and some questions will be explained :)

Thank You very much, my new friend :)

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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