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That's a pretty excessive booty swing in that cylinder at the end there. XD I love the build-up though, and the smooth animation, and how her belly button shakes with the swing - attention to detail... this seems like a pretty interesting idea for a series too! Good way to make a living as an artist and interact with the fans too. Gotta consider. Either way it'll be cool to follow the show, if it's not Patreon-exclusive entirely! Nice promo.


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you Sir! The first official vote for her 1st choice starts today. Yeah it's a nice experiment for me because I'm not sure what direction this animation will go. This keeps the creative process fresh and exciting. I'll definitely post some of the animations here when I get enough footage together.

That final twist though. XD All that entertaining talk seems to be leading somewhere more profound than I expected it too... nice work, and pretty original style with the 3D here. Curious what kind of program this might be made with? And of course: Happy Thanksgiving! As Happy as it can be!


Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, my ramblings tend to go nowhere. Glad you enjoy it, though. The program I use is actually Unity, with the models being made in Blender. I've got kind of a strange setup created in how I make these animations, but it's been a lot of fun developing it myself. Hell of a challenge, but rewarding. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you too!

You've got your own talkshow now huh! :D Moving up in the world! Though I wish there was a bit more lip sync here the visuals do flow pretty well, and visuals or no I do enjoy a good story. Audio-only podcast format potential too? Happy Thanksgiving man!


AustinJayCook responds:

Hell yeah sir! Also I saw that and Kubbs_hd is currently working on that for next week's video :D

Definitely improved a lot since that first version! Though this felt more like a directors cut/behind the scenes/showcase kind of thing than an actual animation... it's just a little bit, a smooth bit, and then a lot of showing how that little bit came to be. No story or context, just the motion. Interesting watch though.


BlueBandanaJake responds:

Yeah, I was actually a little hesitant to put this on here honestly, as I knew it was more of a showcase kind of deal, but I figured what the hey. And I was rewarded with the Daily 2nd Place for it so I guess it was a good idea haha.

But thank you, I'm just glad it was at least a good watch!

Some pretty interesting different styles here, and a lot of traditional work too! Manual stopmotion along with the more modern 3D. Twas cool to see! Good start.


IncendiaryStarfish responds:

Thank you very much!

lmao, you just don't dress up as certain people or go to certain houses and do certain things huh. XD We never do get to see what happened to that mummy though! Hopefully he's not that great a shot after all... nice one.


Mewx responds:

Hmm maybe the mummy will come back in the future... ;)

Simple but workable. XD It's Noob Grounds again huh... nice start!


Toon-Explora responds:

Thanks for your feel back I hope more noobs are coming soon

Certainly was a relaxing little loop, with characters added in as the music goes... like they're all gathering for a little forest concert. The music's really the highlight, though the final scenes with the rising particles (pollen?) was pretty atmospheric too. Takes a while for it to get there though. Nice work.


maruki responds:

Thank you for your kinds words!

So that was the thing this was all leading up to! XD Can't say I expected that... entertaining alien convo this was, though: title seems somewhat irrelevant. Or: is that the name of a series? First episode?


robitboy responds:

Yeah, hopefully the first of more to come!


This was pretty cool! The animation's not always the smoothest, transitions are sometimes a bit too quick, or angles switched without the viewer really being introduced to the new one, but considering how this is all solid FPS, and how much detail there is it's all pretty impressive work! The overall fluidity is pretty good. The one detail that bothers me a bit though is that belt... could've skipped that bit maybe? Or made it seem more like the characters had clothes otherwise. :) But the motion: solid work. Solid battle. Looking forward to whatever's next!


M3kbuda responds:

Wow thank you for your comment it means a lot to me that you took the time to critique me on my work. I will definitely work on these flaws to Improve on the next video. Also the belt, I wanted to have some kind of wind effect when I could, plus I've been watching a lot of dragon ball z. Once again thank you for your response.

Bamboo Shoots!

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