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Certainly was a relaxing little loop, with characters added in as the music goes... like they're all gathering for a little forest concert. The music's really the highlight, though the final scenes with the rising particles (pollen?) was pretty atmospheric too. Takes a while for it to get there though. Nice work.


maruki responds:

Thank you for your kinds words!

So that was the thing this was all leading up to! XD Can't say I expected that... entertaining alien convo this was, though: title seems somewhat irrelevant. Or: is that the name of a series? First episode?


robitboy responds:

Yeah, hopefully the first of more to come!


This was pretty cool! The animation's not always the smoothest, transitions are sometimes a bit too quick, or angles switched without the viewer really being introduced to the new one, but considering how this is all solid FPS, and how much detail there is it's all pretty impressive work! The overall fluidity is pretty good. The one detail that bothers me a bit though is that belt... could've skipped that bit maybe? Or made it seem more like the characters had clothes otherwise. :) But the motion: solid work. Solid battle. Looking forward to whatever's next!


M3kbuda responds:

Wow thank you for your comment it means a lot to me that you took the time to critique me on my work. I will definitely work on these flaws to Improve on the next video. Also the belt, I wanted to have some kind of wind effect when I could, plus I've been watching a lot of dragon ball z. Once again thank you for your response.

Now this was pretty dark. :O Violent. Claymation part's masterful, though the sound bit feels a bit unbalanced. Effects are cinematic and great, but the voices are a bit too low in comparison, or vice versa, so it all comes across a bit too loud. What a savage reinterpretation of this scene though... I need to see the movie.


dexheartwood responds:

Thanks so much man! Yeah is unbalanced, i have to improve a lot from that point of view, it's very hard to made something acceptable with the sound. thanks so much for your comment

Well that was a fun start, to what seems to be a fun series! Refreshingly imaginative and harmless too, despite the fights and spontaneous bouts of violence amidst the commencing adventure! Both animation and voice quality are great. Seems like it's aimed at a pretty young audience, but hopefully it'll remain entertaining for all ages too. Looking forward to the next segment!


SketchyAnt responds:

Thank you! Hoping that it will keep improving as the episodes continue and hoping that it will stay enjoyable enough for an older audience too

Such masterful tweens. XD Short but definitely on point. My time playing WoW was just about the same length...


Little-Rena responds:

I love my tweens! Thanks!

First DBZ VS Superman fight I see where the DBZ guys don't instantly overpower Superman! But as they say, a Saiyan just gets stronger and stronger, wonder how long he'd really keep that advantage... Batman popping up there like he's on the same level though... that bit feels a bit off. But I loved the fight. Great animation.


RickMarin responds:

But ...Its BATMAN!

Happy Tree Friends are back! :D It's got the style if not the characters, and that ending twist: nice twist. XD Pinning the tale like that: my favorite.


funymony responds:

Thanks dude! I loved Happy Tree Friends back in the ol' 56k days. I was definitely going for a Carebear kind of thing. I only had 10 days to come up with something for the showcase, I hope it does well!

Haha, well maybe not all relatable but: fun! I have my phones plugged in in such a way that the way this would all go down is: they get yanked out and whatever's playing on those phones plays full blast for all... could make for some awkward moments too but so far *knock on wood* all good... so expressive motions though! Good fun.


snoc responds:

thanks :^)

Bamboo Shoots!

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