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It starts just like it does in the movie! :D Or... at least features a similar scene. Memories blur regarding the original. Really cool how you build up the atmosphere with that red light, and the sudden alien apparition: pretty creepy! But then it moves on to a whole new ball game, and the ending... oh man, can't stop laughing. XD How this combines such a hybrid of violence and love and manages to both induce fear and hilarity all the way... such a strange combination. It works though. Masterful work.


dexheartwood responds:

Thanks a lot. These comments make me keep doing what i love in spite of everythigh. So thanks so much

This series has evolved, and changed, so much since the early ones I remember! And the 13th episode coming out on the 31st: what a well-planned twist this was. :) Breeze seems like a pretty interesting character, though not sure we've been properly introduced before hmm... the premise here seems as new as it seemed to you in that month you started writing it - or have I missed some earlier episodes here? Am I becoming overly forgetful? And has this series always been this violent? :O

The close-up on Pete's eyes felt a bit out of character. Never seen those before either. I think. The blackness otherwise seems like a part of his character. Enjoying the eerie atmosphere though, those freaky twists and lovable endings. Feelgood vibes after all! The thing I'm maybe missing the most here are those intermissions! Though we sorta get some of those at the very end... hoping this series keeps going for some time too! There aren't many long-lasting ones out there not in some way angled to please the audience and/or make a profit. :) So this is a refreshingly exception. Good fun. And cheers on these first five years!


Bertn1991 responds:

Hey, thanks for sticking with the series for so long. I appreciate the feedback very much :D

You're right, the character of Breeze and the premise of the episode isn't well explained. I didn't want to bore people with lots of exposition I guess. Breeze is an old character, but it's the first time she's been in a main episode. The only other time she made an appearance was in old Yonder Ho animation tests from before the show was a thing.

Everything from the ideas to writing the script to doing animation was done in the month of October. I hadn't planned anything beforehand and I promise you didn't miss any episodes. (You aren't getting forgetful!)

Since it was a Halloween episode, I added some more graphic parts than I normally would. It's by far the most violent episode.

Pete's eyes have always changed to capture certain emotions. Kinda like Finn from Adventure Time. They are just black dots most of the time.

The next episode will have those intermissions! There was simply such a tight deadline all. I really like doing them.

Anyways, thanks again for the feedback. It's always a treat reading your reviews. All the cheers <3

Simple as that animation is it's also surprisingly detailed sometimes! Entertaining little madlb too. XD Nice one. Can't remember the last time I tried a madlib btw, this c could be fun...


Bertn1991 responds:

Me and my sister love doing madlibs. It's always good for a laugh ^.^

Thanks for the review, as always. The animation is kinda lousy, but I had plenty of fun drawing the ugliest people I could think of X)

Judging by that 2015 in the corner I guess this a blast from the past. :) Hoids well today too though, and the audio goes with it just as well. Smooth little bout of madness.


juanford66 responds:

heh yeah, thanks for the review anyways

Hey it's another one of these perfect loops, with a disturbing twist to it! :O Awesome work with the sound design too. I'm eating lunch at the time of watching actually, some rice, and a fried egg... hmmmmmm. I guess the rice should be OK...


Butzbo responds:

Thanks Cd! as you mention I haven't done much suspenseful/potentially disturbing stuff at all so this was fun to experiment with. also, yeah there should be nothing wrong with the rice ;)

Character design has me thinking of Lara Croft, and the intro had me thinking of GTA 3 for a moment, the premise like Alias before it all gets started... the moves were like a fighting game too. :) So many relatabilities. Some of the actions are a bit too fast, like the running away, and the third guy just appears out of nowhere, when they're walking they almost seem to be floating along the ground too, and the lip sync doesn't always match but... small details.

Overall this was great. I like how it plays out pretty much just like a regular series, and towards the end the intrigue's really adding up. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the next ep!


timeisbutawindow responds:

Thank you for the feedback! I'll work on the above mentioned in the next one.

So dark! Won't be a Happy Halloween with too much like this, but I love it. The ambiguity. The rage. The cycle. It's like Alien and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide and a bunch of others all in one, a masterful; macabre mess, and even if you don't really follow along you definitely feel it. Smooth motions and great work with the sound too! Happy Hallows!


AntonM responds:

cheers cd, always cool to read your reviews dude :))

For a first animation this wasn't bead, though just the one punch... it could use a little more length! And a better outro.


giga6152 responds:

Thank you for the feedback! I do plan on making more movies like these in much greater detail and a lot more action in them.

From the moment TOMMY WISEAU stands on his plant you know this is going to be something else. XD Without a certain knowledge of The Room you probably won't catch all the references, but if you do this is great, lots of fun details in the samples and walls and most of all: the plot progression itself. The animation keeps the red trail going regardless though, refreshingly random but still all connected. Seems like even storyboard form works well, and the black and white's a nice touch for Halloween in particular. And hey that banana. XD Nice work both of you!


TheReviewTrickster responds:

The banana and Halloween Patreon stuff was all Chutney, I didn't even know it was gonna be a thing. I agree though, it looks fabulous.

Poetic. :) Don't recognize the main character there (looks a bit like the Joker?), but I do recognize the name, and as such it had me confused a bit... is this based on something official? Anyway it's all stylishly done, though narration quality's a bit gritty. Nice work.


Cthulhuzann responds:

The character is The Crow from a graphic novel written in the late 80's. It was adapted into a movie in the early 90's starring Brandon Lee who unfortunately died just before the film was finished. Thanks for watching and voting. I appreciate it!

Bamboo Shoots!

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