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Let the epic battles commence! :D Classic music for a classy battle, and pretty long for a trailer too! :looking forward to this.


SolarFoxProductions responds:

Thanks, Cyberdevil!

Well that was random! And entertaining. And fun. And pretty different. Good stuff.


JohnMamer responds:

Thank you!

Bit like a game and movie in one, the way you see those obstacles from the side, like running through a platformer. Didn't really follow the end there, but otherwise not bad.


webfox01 responds:

Thx for the reply, In the end, he got back to save the other people who were imprisoned but they got angry and attacked him because they didn't believe that there is another world out there besides the cave, so he beat them up and convinced one guy to go see the outside world, and so the cycle continues, i didn't want the animation to be long, so i cut some scenes, i understand it's a little vague, thx for the reply anyway :D

Yupp, the script's here are definitely a bit short-sided on the sense bit, but everything else about them: all good!


AnimatedZorox responds:

Aww thx man! though I didn't really make the script XD It's just a parody of an existing movie :)

So solid work with the sound effects! They've got that satisfying 'swish' with pretty much every single movement. Solid voice acting and animation too, all smooth and fun to follow, even though the story's hmm... mysterious.


AnimatedZorox responds:

PFFT Thanks man, Im glad to see yall enjoyed it

And considering the companies are trying to turn a profit even off of water these days I guess you won't have much money for anyone to want to marry you for it in the first place either! Win/win.

Flawlessly narrated, and creative animation too. Just wondering why the narrator's an ice cream cone... a strange aquatic alien race with a devious plan, maybe...? Seems like a loose end at the end with that bit! Otherwise all good stuff.


Michael-T-Scott responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

He's a cone because that's what he's been for a decade now with his schemes:

Was expecting a change of perspective at the end there, with the height of the slide all in his mind. Suddenly it was super short instead. But hey, this works too! Good fun, with a flare of drama and entertaining main character duo too.

And about that one week, how long DID this take? Curious now. Nice work.


lewispyre responds:

I think it ended up taking around 3 weeks, which was a bit depressing, but I'd just started working retail so that's prob the main reason it took so long.

Also I'm lazy

That final Wanted poster was sooo short, hard time to time in that particular frame! Otherwise smooth animation, voicing and all. Not sure what this is in reference to but good stuff.


LaurenLArtist responds:

Thanks a bunch! It's a parody of a cartoon called Villanos on Cartoon Network LA. The last frame was an easter egg, so good catch!

And they all live happily ever after the crash! :D On the moon or... wherever it they go when the Earth explodes. Not sure what really happened at the end there hmm... good stuff though! Those two days of boredom sure quenched ours!


ToppleNG responds:

Ay thanks so much man!

I don't even know where to start with this one. XD The smoothness of animation is impressive, with the swirling rainbow roads (Mario Kart homage?) and radiant cosmic lights playing in the backround as backdrop for a crazy race on gigantic space critters with strangely familiar form ridden by an alien species characterized best by their bouncy butts. Also with cameos of characters only previously seen (by me at least) in scenes of your newest project, which makes me wonder if maybe these are all re-occurring creatures in that creative universe of your making?

You definitely came to the right place to upload cock jokes too! Wasn't expecting it to be this harmless by title and rating, but relieved it was all handled with such class. XD Nice one. Also nice promo opportunity with this too!


JaninaPutzker responds:

hahaha! can I use this as the movie synopsis? xD <3

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