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Well that went fast! Sketch has potential but: damn, that audio. O_O So loud. And out of nowhere like that too. Might want to have some kind of background ambience, or humming, or similar, to guide users in on the right volume level. This is the kind of thing when you turn up your speakers wondering if there's any sound and then: woah, need to turn down fast.


TheBaconLord360 responds:

I will take that into consideration in my next sketch.

Not sure where the bad is in this dream but... well done. If anything those worms in the rib cage he passes through do seem kinda disturbing... very smoothly animated though. Solid voicing too. Short but: not bad. Ending earlier than it was supposed to be, or was that part of the voyage?


Kolumbo responds:

It's pretty bad if you're afraid of eggs, I guess.

The ending, originally, wasn't supposed to be the end at all.
But stuff happened, so now it is! Thanks for the review <3

Heeey you even got some of that classy music there! :D That turned out awesome. Oh the episode too. Short but sweet, though poor duck meeting his doom in that pool of red death at the end there... wonder if he'll become a reoccurring character hmm...


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Ha ha you know I have to put classy music for CD! He is a horrible and cruel beast but that doesnt mean he has to act uncivilized!

Who doesn't love Cyan! :D Gotta love that Outrun-trademak outro too. Love the style, the script and everything. It's like Kung Fury but... not really but sort of similar somehow. Awesome work.


Joltzen responds:

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Definitely enjoying all four of these! :D Seems like Snack Hack may be finishing a few peisodes short this season though... good stuff.


RichardMather responds:

Haha, thank you!

He it's that rabbit again! :D Fighting a random bag this time; ridding the world of the evil devices people throw at it... and this time he's got no smoke but: a carrot. :P Definite upgrade there! This is turning into a pretty awesome series. Good angle with the planetary salvation. Could use more like this.


VolFMaple responds:

Thank you!

It's like The Butterfly Effect huh. :) Trippy but fun! Animation could definitely be a bit more dynamic, but this works. Nostalgia style too! Flash 8forever!


PlasmaToons responds:

Thank you! I agree and I’m working on my animation to make movements more fluid and make it have a nicer aesthetic!

Really professional quality here, in both voicing and animation, and it tells a pretty elaborate tale too! Showing great promise this series. Looking forward to see more; what it turns out to be!


PiratePudding responds:

Thank you very much! :)

Feels like it's missing a scene where it's revealed the monster didn't really eat him. :) Does take a nice twist towards the end, yet him just standing atop the monster there, which still looks as evil as ever... IMO that seems like a bit of an inconsistency. Otherwise this was great. .) Nice work with VA and effects too.


AgustinGates responds:

Adding the effects and extra details were things my team and I focused a lot on.
Glad you enjoyed.

So random. XD Such a grand battle for a test though. I'm surprised. And impressed. It's all so fluid and fun to watch, just overall a great battle from start to finish, and almost comical due to the character match-up choice. Entertaining read through the Q&A too! As for avoiding production lag: maybe downgrade to an older version of the program? When hardware can't keep up that's sometimes the only viable option. Not fun working with a project when most of the time is just going in to waiting on the program for all minor things. Looking forward to seeing more great stuff anyway, and this was great. Possible the first Winnie the Pooh fight ever too! :D


AnUnfortunateSnuggle responds:

Thank for the comment! I've now gone back to animate cc 2017 instead of 2018, so hopefully that may help aha only time will tell!

Bamboo Shoots!

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