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A pretty epic prologue! :) The animation's great, but that music: that's the real highlight of the show here. Really builds up that epicness. Awesome work.


HeadbanGames responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it!
Check out my game, Bad Pad, it has more of these type of songs in it.

Well that was unexpected. XD Test cartoon: OK! Any plans to animate this all the way, or more important projects that await? You've got potential. Impressive first. Plot twists, red thread, lip sync and all. Great start.


gilfgavin responds:

Thank you! I'm currently working super hard on my Animation jam entry so stay tuned for that ;-)

Another one of these sessions of soothing ambience and awesomeness. :) If just for a short moment, before that... twist. Congrats on the fans, and hope the base keeps growing!


CapaciousSpace responds:

I always look forward to your reviews. Stay comfy, friend

Well that was fun. XD So smooth motions too. Good stuff.


Carbonwater responds:

Glad you enjoyed!

Well that was random. XD He really didn't react to that dream the way you usually react to a bad one, though... but maybe it's all within the dream? Drifting off into the dreamy void again...


CroDavid responds:

Yes, you are right. I was thinking about using some kind of storyboard but i didnt know how to do it so yeah. I know it was random. Even i dont know what this is about. I was just going for the sleeping theme. So im am glad you like my animation.

Man I was really expecting/looking forward to some profound wisdom at the end there! XD That fight was awesome though. So savage. Feel sorry for the first man, who came there to meditate and savor... for some reason some must take, not leave what is as is and enjoy it for what it is already.


ExtinctionGames responds:

Those are some words of wisdom. I hadn't actually thought that deep about the animation. But now that you've got me thinking that really was just an example of short term gratification vs long term sustainability and perhaps even something deeper. Which I guess is quite similar to what you already said.

Thanks for that. That was a nice comment to read this morning.

And so... the supernatural baddie is vanquished? :P This was pretty entertaining. Though that exorcist really doesn't look much like an exorcist - no suit or anything. Nicely animated though! Fun and easy to follow, though certain items seem over focused (like the teddy bear he trips on). Nice work.


Padrian responds:

Thanks! His original design is in my Art, I just thought pj's would suit him more here. Thanks for the feedback! :)

A Bad Dream music video! :D Wasn't expecting something like this. Props on a creative idea for the jam, and the music... not bad. The background effects and lighting is great too, and the details like the swinging earring, but the character overall (she's such a highlight too) seems a bit simple. Somewhat flat body and chubby hands...might want to work on that a bit. Everything else: nicely done! With the background especially you really capture the melody/energy somehow.


ToddCircle responds:

Thanks, the flat body was intentional but I do have trouble with hands.

Bamboo Shoots!

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