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No idea what this was all about but...it's all in good free-spirit NG spirit right! Better stick to that tradition, cause all traditions are great. Good stuff.


COWOX responds:

ty man

Looks like Hominid really upgraded that blaster! XD Starts cute; ends brutally. Nice one.


Matija27 responds:

When fighting with Dad, the stronger blaster, the better ;)
Thank you very much :D

Short but awesome! So smooth, so dope. Flow's great.


Overcesium responds:

Thank you!

Another game that'll never be the same again. :) Why the wheelchair, I wonder! A reference to poor control? A neccesary handicap to further enhance the suspense and horror? A random element just to make this random thing? Leaves me wondering, but good stuff.


PhantomArcade responds:

Wheelchair was more of a device for humor, but actually was my way of dodging a Jill sandwich joke. Friends kept pushing for a Jill Sandwich thing, and so then I figured, sandwich... immobile... vegetable... wheelchair!

Really not what I was expecting from something with such a snappy Snapple title, but nice twist. :) Could've just shot the apple on some arbitrary location though, like, well, anywhere but on a person's head! Hope they further refine their production methods soon.


Abider responds:

I have contacted the company and they stated;

"We thought it would add more flavour and quirkiness to the product if a certain level of danger was involved. Since this unfortunate event took place we have removed the element of danger, and indeed have refined our production methods. We have also stopped using live apples as an ingredient.

Thank you for your inquiry,
SnarkySnapple & Co"

(Thanks for the stars!)

Aw, was thinking there'd be more fight in this part! But looks like the second one'll really be something to look forward to! Goku seems in character, but not so sure about Saitama, he seems unnaturally responsive somehow, though nice one with the hair. :) I'll be looking forward to the next part! So far awesome. Great voice acting too.


Fienamation responds:

thanks for the kind words :) part 2 will be awsome

Not one of the most action-packed chapters, but maybe one of the most entertaining. :) Nicely done, voice acting and animation and all, would love to see more like this with some of the most memorable moments! The fights I mean. :) Good stuff.


MOA-OZZY responds:

Thanks, I don't think I'll make another One Punch fan animation anytime soon... I think I'll leave that to the pro animators who get paid for it. I'm working on other new stuff though so stay tuned

Even with mysteriously uneven wheels, and a mysteriously blank interior, and mysterious chubby form that's a pretty awesome transportation method for a pretty awesome main character mystery! To be continued seems promising...


johnnyistheman responds:

haha thanks for the compliment! ;D

Better not eat any knives or any other dangerous items if you happen to be pregnant hmm. O_o Creatively disturbing...


stoneBaum responds:

yeah there's allways a moral somewhere, right? :D

As a real anime fan... I was hoping for something a bit more anime-fan-oriented! Like: something I didn't know, about anime. Some less obvious tidbits of info presented in new and entertaining ways, or stereotypes I could relate to, but the big eyes and big teees... didn't go so much further! Mildly entertaining with the points and stuff, but a bit thin of content IMO. Keep it going!


Potatoverse responds:

I'm sorry to disappoint you but it was actually supposed to be for the opposite of a real anime fan. Because some people say that the like anime even if they don't know what that is and/or have only watched one anime such as naruto onepice or dragonball. But thanks for the motivational comment.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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