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Oh, man, this is awesome. The whole animation is like a living painting, especially the backgrounds. Movements are smooth, audio is relaxing, and the poem... after seeing that scenery, it's beautiful poetry too. Didn't know about Matsuo Basho either, so this was a good history lesson, if all things are learned like this I'm bound to remember them. :P Nice work!


RPGsrok responds:

Oh that's wonderful to hear man! Animating on ones seems to have paid off nicely, and it's good to know those paintings went to use. Basho was the first master of the Haiku format, travelled around Japan (by foot of course) for a year just to get material, and there's wonderful simplicity in his work (though of course, the story by which this poem was made is completely my creation). I am all too happy to have helped share his work! =D

You never can go wrong with a little Madness, great idea for a collab! There's prenty of creative action and comedy in this, the one with the sun was pretty fun, the process of creativng a soldier was interesting to see, the mindless killing was what I hoped for, the flashing lights at the credits were annoyingly fast and flashy, and the menu buttons were a bit hard to click when they were moving, they seem not to be clickable all the time either, took me a few clicks to get the collab started. Overall, great work! Btw 5 months of work!? You mean... 5 months of collab organization? Bit misleading. :P


Kenamy responds:

haha, not my fault, but you need to be fast, you are affronting a troll menu. about 5 month of work, well... it not appear for you liek this but the credits, intro, scene select, menu, taked me over 2 months, and 3 months for my parts.

The skits weren't so bad, but the recording quality brought it down a bit. For the most part it was just a bit annoyingly fuzzy, but at times it was even hard to hear what they were saying. Don't know if it's the mic or voice, but that could use some improving. Keep it going!


DougCartoons responds:

Thanks! I'm hearing the audio to be a problem.

Hah, why not, a VCR from 1982 would be pretty cool to own. :) There's not particularly much animation in this, but the little there is is smooth, and the images are synced nicely to the narrative, the best part of this, great voice acting!


ZenithQuinn responds:

it was made in an hour so yep!

Spacey hiphop action, a new form of attraction, though nothing really happens, it's... still entertaining. The recording quality isn't too bad, but some more clarity in the voice would make it easier to snap up everything that's being said, somehow, it feels like the emotion in the voice doesn't live up to the intensity of the animation, but it's a good idea. Keep it going!


Neochilds responds:

Thank you also dude for taking the time to watch and also reviewing.

Well that was... abstract. The mothrich style of abstraction is creative in its action, still in will and fractions of thrill are all that happens. Nice work!


Mothrich responds:

Thanks! :)

Hmm, the world turns around, and now I know what it'd be like if ducks were human. Nice work, bizarre but not too far fetched anyway, just a glimpse into the life of a regular working-lcass duck. Nicely done!


Gerkinman responds:

Why thank you kindly good sir.

Ah, it's here! Nice, short and sweet. The clouds drifting by lazily, the star bouncing along the ground, it's all smooth and expressive. I wonder btw, is the song in the background your own? It does end a bi abruptly at the end, but other than that, great work!


SpoonFullTits responds:

No the song is by a Girl who can sing lol. She is on youtube.

Well that was, quick. At least that chicken's not chicken, haha, nice animation, nice voice acting, it just leaves a little length to be desired. Keep it going!


ParadoxPowerPlays responds:

Glad you liked it! Check out "Metal Steed" and "Tails Doll" on the ParadoxPowerPlays Newgrounds or Youtube account if you're looking for something a little longer, and look forward to future episodes!

Bamboo Shoots!

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