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It really is a universe, in a metaphorical sense... can't remember cleaning a house ever being this much fun, great work. The space room was a favorite part, Squirtle on second place, haha. The different styles and transitions work great. Keep it up!


Curlypanda responds:

Thanks alot, going to try and work on a few more episodes now and then, so there should be a few more episodes in the future!

Ah, didn't think 5 minutes would fit these many reviews, towards the end it almost started getting a bit monotone. The long review would've been a perfect place to end it IMO, but it was fun to listen to. Not that much focus on typography (would've been fun with more transitions, separate words, etc) either, and a lot of overly intentious slurring on words, but overall, good stuff!


Evil-Dog responds:

totally agree, but I have to finish Road of the Dead 2, that was just a little distraction i wanted to do

Seems like all animations like this make me think of The Reward. There certainly are similarities (maybe the music, mostly) but the style of animation is completely different. I like the odd combination of characters that don't look too accomplished and the sense of accomplishment, and it definitely is a swell endeavour, nice work!


jabzinaut responds:

I'm honored that my toon is mentioned in the same sentence as The Reward, it quickly became one of my all-time favorite animations. I actually chose the adventurous track because I was inspired by The Reward! Thanks very much for the view/feedback!

Haha, I was going to write that the last blade looked like it was made of cheese, as it turns out... it really was! I'm not sure if this animation is supposed to look creepy or adventurous. When the creey music kicked in around the title, I decided it was supposed to be creepy, but that atmosphere never really settled. Maybe it's the decisive stride of the main character, or the big comical eyes that even the monsters in the story weirld, not sure what it was, but through it didn't get creepy it was plenty exciting. Final scene takes my mind to RPGs. Nice work!


Butzbo responds:

Heh, you have a good point there. The original plan was to make it mostly creepy, but then the ending I had planned (finding the sword) wasn't fitting at all with the same atmosphere, so I ended up changing (a bit suddenly) the mood of the animation by that part.
Maybe it could've worked better if I could've given some more time to build up the tense atmosphere on the beginning.
Well, as it's possible to guess, a big part of my work is influenced by videogames, mostly RPGs!
Thanks for the review!

Woo, another grand invention that's rpobably never really going to see the light of day. Plenty of creatively bizarre ideas in this, great voice acting, great animation. The dead pigeon in dog poop, lmao, fun stuff. Keep it going!


Starktoons responds:

Thanks! more toons coming!

Awesome. The scythe flying through the air toward the end was smoothly animated, the background changing angle along with the scythe, really nice transition. There's a lot of interesting styles of animation in this, different effects, different angles, I did enjoy it even though it wasn't Halloween.

When the toilet paper first started attacking the main characters I thought the house would be haunted (theme-fitting?) but as it turned out... it was just the toilet paper! Random. The couple of guest appearance of the author were fun, as well the word explenations, the conversations, and everything moving at a fast pace too. Nice work!


CaseyAnimates responds:

Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it! The fight scene with the scythe was definitely the funnest part for me, other than the fact that nearly every scene in it took at least 3 hours longer than they should have. That or more. I remember in particular the scene where they all land on the roof from the pole taking over 10 hours at least.

Is this inspired by anything, Ghostbustsers, Etc? I'm wondering if the characters are supposed to be a reference to some actual characters, they seem rather specific. The ghosts both look a bit Casper-ish. Animation was smooth and entertaining, though not that much actually happens until the end of it, and what an end! It's a masterful flash of light and destruction. I didn't mind the sfx at all, they seemed suitable cartoony, though it's a bit strange how certain occasions don't have any sound at all, like ghost laughing, but maybe it would've been even weirder if it did. Anyway, nice work!


BryanV responds:

The whole concept of it is inspired by all those ghost hunter-ufo sighting-bigfoot-loch ness monster kinds of stuff. But the characters and what they do are mostly inspired by cartoons and movies that I watch.

What an honorable way to end your lockly career! Simple animation, combined with emotional music, seems to be a formula for greatness. It doesn't move too fast, or too slow, long enough to get both atmospheric and inspiring. Nice work!


LeafLock responds:

Thanks for your review! This was a pretty emotional piece for me, i'm glad you enjoyed it.

Despite the initial slowness, this was a good watch. Can't say the voice acting was perfect, and the shootout felt unnaturally slow, seems the enemies would've had time to shoot him many times over before he fired the first four shots. Ah, but minor insignificances set aside, it was a good tribute, makes me feel like watching the For a Few Dollars trilogy again. Nice work!


LAVAGASM responds:

Yes, I agree. I was trying to do a slow motion shot effect, but I forgot to slow the bullet sound down. Thanks for your review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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