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Could be the pilot for something interesting! :D Though do wonder what happens if you die in heaven hmm, if that guy with the power of self-explosion also has the newly attained power of eternal self-regerneration it could be something! Entertaining stories of the fates of these people that' might've been but never were... but may be yet again!


Avonom responds:

You never know! A sequel might come from this...

What a twist it would've been if in the end it's just a hamster running in his wheel. :) All in the mind. I like it though! Seems like the premise for something interesting.


Tom-Par responds:

Ha! It crossed my mind. Thanks! Hopefully i'll get some episode out in the next few months. Should be able to create some interesting characters.

lol, what a twist ending. Was expecting a twist, but not so much a third person as the first one to do something weird... possibly the second. Clever. :)


ComedyBlend responds:

Thanks! ;)

So awesome. Pretty fresh with such a mixture of ferocity and violence and harmless humor too, with the family man and all, feels like a necessary contrast somehow. Love the characters, comedy, and the fury of it all. The kitchen battle was an une3xpected highlight too, someone actually fending off against them barbarians. In the end it feels like it's all about the battle, that adrenaline-fueld rampage and rush for treasure, no one side favored over the other. Really really hoping to see more of the sort!


FleckoGold responds:

This was a really well thought out review. Thank you!

After an intro like this I'm really wondering what the game'll be about, works almost like a promo. Also great work on the animation! Feels rare with a game that looks so good it might not be one.


LuuPetitek responds:

Aww, thank you ♥ btw, the game will be released this Sunday ;)

They do say the unpredictable ones are the most dangerous! XD Nicely done, and great work on the expressions, and expressive motions in general. Feels like even the motions talk. Looking forward to more like this!


SoraNgin responds:

Thanks man, I appreciate that! I'm glad you noticed the effort put into the expressions and body language haha :D

Can definitely relate. XD Do feel pretty happy when Spring comes around though, it's that one transition that's sometimes just the right amount of both cold and warm and the prospect of summer coming in lighting up the optimism again!! What about Fall though?


Flashoons responds:

"it's that one transition that's sometimes just the right amount of both cold and warm" 10/10 agree with you. What about fall? I animated a comic letter by letter without even changing the style so..you will have to ask him(comic maker (loading artist)) about that.

Nice bounce! I feel like slight eye movement is the one thing it's missing though. Not bad.


Draw-Joda responds:

Thanks!,...Always appreciate and find your comments helpful.


That didn't really sound like a SUV accelerating at the end there. XD I like the animation style, but voice acting doesn't feel all that natural. Entertaining, though. Keep it going!


Memerfox responds:

Thanks, means alot

Bamboo Shoots!

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