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40th episode?! Congrats! And did not know this thing was so fargone, feels like it's been just half of that. Like how time flies when you're having fun. It was a different episode, and a good one. Also that Bestman speech would've been fun to watch! Would be pretty neat with maybe links to any potential ending lists that don't carry over from the YT format in the description? Maybe? Great narrative as always, and a feelgood end.


Raziberry responds:

Yeah, I should annotate that here. Anyone who knows about my YouTube channel will have probably found it by now, though.

Ends just as it's about to get exciting... but looks like there's a sequel to see! Nicely introduced. Eerie setting suitable for the Madness theme.


Prov22 responds:

Thanks, cd! ;D

A pretty nice speedpaint!


RobertNeag responds:

thank you, i forget to put the hours in there. it was 1 hour and over 40 min

Such a fast-paced flow of random craze. XD The Pokemon battle was definitely the best part. Expressions get a bit excessive, but I like the spontaneity of it all; creative surprises along the way. Good episode.


FlowJoe responds:

thanks! I think the next batch of episodes will be just as good or better!

Wish we'd got to see that fight! But good stuff. I like the oldskool superhero cartoon style of both music and animation and everything. Both nostalgic and new.


RocketAdrift responds:

Awesome! Thanks so much :)

You really build up the mood! I like the style of light and color, how it's not the traditional 'darkness', but still a kind of cozy setting for a nightmare, creepy, but in an atmospheric and entertaining kind of way. Animation's smooth, the background spooks subtle; it all flows nicely, though the wordless communication between characters isn't always the clearest - gets clearer towards the end though, not so much ambiguity as to what each expression might imply. Nice work!


verna-c responds:

Thank you so much! :)

I've sene plenty of Undertale parodies, playing on puns I die nae know, but this... was interesting!! Really makes me want to pick up the game and see how it compares, and what happens next, if the guide is friend or foe or... no. Really seems like a one-of-a-kind game. Nothing as you expect it. Animation looked a bit simpled down after the initial intro, but kept my interesting easily so: not bad! Wonder if this is exactly like the game, or with some of your own twists to it? Nicely done.


Clayimation responds:

Thank you, I try to use both dialogues from the game and my own dialogues and mix them together. Normally Frisk doesn't talk with Flowey and the cave is pretty much just a black background in the game. :)

Been a while since the last Skitzo! :D Savaged, stylish and psychotic as always. Nice work!


Comick responds:

Yes haha I'm kinda slow, but so glad you enjoyed it! more on the way :)

Pretty creative animation to some pretty entertaining narrative, and the 24 hour time limit's an impressive feat too! Looks pretty complete. Good stuff.


rhys510 responds:

Thanks im glad you enjoyed it :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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