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Not sure using an old drunk man is the best way to get the message across, but I did enjoy the conversation. It presents the reasonable perspective in a good, albeit ridiculed way, consider who and how he is saying it, and it was... long! In the end I'm surprised it kept the red thread and interest level high all the way too, which no doubt is a lot thanks to the occasional background distraction, and the old man's passionate plume of speech. Good ending too. Solid work.


OblitusCS responds:

Cyberdevil, how are you man? I chose the drunk man beacuse the viewer is supposed to judge him at first, the same way the other dude does. It also fits with the truth theme, he is drunk, so he speaks his mind, but to be honest, I didn't give it to much thought, it felt right and I did it. As for the lenght of the animation, you are absolutely right, I wanted it to be 5 min max but I couldn't do it, there were to many things I wanted to put in there. In the end, I think I did this for me, I knew from the start this wasn't for everyone, so I'm glad you like it. Now that this animation is out of the way, I'll start having some fun, expect to see much more action in my future work. Thanks for the constructive critisism man, I really appreciate it and sorry for the long reply. Until next time brother!

Voice recording quality's kind of hazy, but otherwise. entertaining short!


RogersEntertainment responds:

Thanks and I will do better on the lip sync

Don't get why he ran over the toys either? Impulse? Accident? Apart from that it was a pretty trippy animation, and I like how it starts out as something else. You really have your own style with the graphics!


GoodL responds:

Thank you much, I'm truly flattered that you found it unique enough to drop me a comment and 4 of those glorious stars!

That old man's surprisingly damage resistant! XD The face off scene seemed a bit much, but apart from that: awesome entertainment! Classy ending too.


halfcactus responds:

Happy I could provide some entertainment! Thanks!

Nice one. XD Staying prepared really is the key to survival!


RocketAdrift responds:

Ha! Definitely.

They DO have pretty selective eating habits! XD I should've seen that coming. Really nice work building up the atmosphere, and keeping it both intense and harmless. Great twist. Great animation.


Nominous responds:

Thanks cyberdevil, we worked really hard on this.

Just another regular day at work huh. :) Wonder how the next one'll turn out after this! Though the concept would be a more philosophical one, on topic of actually killing 'time', considering the 'concept and story' and serious tone of description, but though different this didn't disappoint. Creative, intense and entertaining! Nice work.


ThatJemmaGirl responds:

Oh this is just a documentary of my retail life. Thank you for the kind words. I agree. I would like to explore this more.

There's never a time not a time to take a selfie! This world. Short, entirely vehicular and not-very-scenery-variating, but entertaining episode. Looking forward to the next ep; supposedly Sulk's survival.


RocketAdrift responds:

Ha ha. Thanks! Sulk will be fine - he's invincible.

Well that was silly. XD A highly ambiguous title too, and with that intro sketch it could've gone any other way, entertaining sketch.


ChiragArikella responds:

Lol thank you, appreciate that you found it entertaining.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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