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Those are some wild parents! XD Thought it'd spiral out of control in some other way entirely,like, the parents being the one who couldn't handle the situation... nice one. And gets me wondering if Mew really did appear at random like that hmm, time to research...


storytellerYT responds:

thanks xD
and I'm not sure but I think there was an event where you walk up to mew, so I don't think you can find him in grass

Pretty entertaining animated Sleepycast! Good choice of content.


EBBlueberry responds:

Thanks lad!

No shoutout's to us why DO have noses? :P It'd be tough living without one though, I do sympathize...

Appreciate the wit and nosy humor, narrative's all but monotone, and easy to listen to. Sometimes I miss a word or two, but for the most part you're pretty articulate. Images, videos and animation all go well with the narrative, though that nostril part towards the end was almost a bit too weird. :) Appreciate the mixture of opinion and real experiences too, all flows well. No jokes really made me laugh out loud, but plenty of smiles! Hope to see more of these.


DIWAKAR responds:

Thank you Sir!

You really saved the best one for last with this one. XD Genius.


storytellerYT responds:

Yep thanks xD

Can't remember the last time I've seen a puppet movie here on NG! Awesome work emulating that traditional Sesame Street kind of style (some characters do show a resemblance too), and it's a pretty catchy sing-along song with a few heavier moments. :) Nice work.


InsertNameEnt responds:

Yeah, kind of strange going into a mainly animation-centric platform with puppets, but we can't think of a better community for what we do than Newgrounds since so much of it is informed by classic Flash content that we grew up with. Thanks!

I guess the moral of the story here is: find some better place to play than on top of a building. :)

That was a pretty fierce kick! Nicely animated.


fabianlpineda responds:

XD. It is based on a true story. In the animation study where I worked we used to play fuchiball on the top of the building and we kicked out the ball every time. The worst part is that we couldn't recover the fuchi because it fell on the roof of other building and not in the street. So we had to buy another. :)

Brings me back! XD Most entertaining Pokemon battle too. Nice one.


storytellerYT responds:


Well that was entertaining. :) Unusual choice of main characters too, and a good finale, though seems like some parts are missing audio? Intentional? I thought you might be trying to make it seem like the crowd cheering was all you could hear, but when they do talk they're a lot louder than the crowd so I suppose that's not it? Overall: good animation.


OblitusCS responds:

Hey man! Thanks for a lot! Maybe the crowd noise could have been a little louder, but you are suppose to listen to what they are saying, that was the idea. Of course there is always room for improvement.
Once again, thanks for taking the time to sharing your thoughts.
Best of luck to you my friend! Have a great day!

Or Newgrounds or somthing. :P It'd be the dream!

Entertaining narrative with unnaturally artistic visual storytelling with it. Feels like it doesn't always match what you're saying, or time in at the right place, but they do entertain; intrigue; surprise. The long love letter and conclusive couch session was pretty creative too. Nice work.


GrahamDrawsButts responds:

Yeah I figured my animations would start getting oddball the more I did em. I get bored of repetitive actions really fast, so it was inevitable shit was going to get weird! Big thanks as always for the great review and I'll definitely work on making things match up more between the audio and visuals for the next animation!
(Talking about a crazy ex next XD)

All the best,

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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