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Beautiful storytelling. Without words. With such a simple but creative new concent. That 'gift' could be portrayed in so many ways, but you managed to make it something new entirely. Nicely done.


Zombie-Pimp responds:

Thanks! Glad you appreciate the storytelling

The roots really run deep with this one! Seemed like a random bit of fun at first, but the topic on humans and nature, the misdefinition of freestyles, the ambiguous righteousness of white lies, the twist from comedy to tragedy to... just a tree standing beside a pile of ash. It goes deep!! Dope lyrics too.


YinMammoth responds:

Thanks haha, I'm not sure if the roots pun was intended but nice lol - Appreciate the feedback man!

Bit sketchy, but awesome. :) Any Kill La Kill reference with the scissors hmm? If so I wonder what the green spear's fetched from.

I like the comical tone to it, even if the end's a bit brutal for comedy! Good fight. Creative, fast-paced and varied.


Awez responds:

The purple character isn't mine so you'd have to ask him ;^)

Strange how that overly dramatic music went so well with that animation. :) Simple but effectual! Bit weird you can't really differentiate between the flies though, as car as gender goes, considering it's a romantic kind of short and all. Not that flies look all that different to the common eye, but with this kind of cartoon it'd seem like the common approach to maybe add some eyelashes to one, or differentiate between them by color, or some of those other gender-based stereotypes we use for such purpose.

I liked the animation though! Quick, methodical, with a clear protagonist and flare for drama.


LUCA-FATTORE responds:

Thanks a lot for the creative input.
You have a good point, the girl should be more recognizable.
I have planned another short with this concept and I will definitely redesign her.

Creative, spontaneous fun! Just the right music for that kind of mood, too. It sure is a precise and pedagogic occupation that paleontology one!


LUCA-FATTORE responds:

Thanks : )

So unexpected! XD This could be the new thing! Props for highly melodic oldskool hiphop newschool nosy finale too.


JunkYardAnimations responds:

If you enjoyed this, I'll make more >:)

Aw, now this is the right way to conclude! :D Happy the previous segment wasn't the only segment! Really feeling the happiness here. Hopefully there's not more to the spectrum hmm, maybe he doesn't give him the lollipop anyway, and the poor guy gets jealous, and they start fighting and eh... well, this seems like a good conclusion, anyway, if it is. Good to see the guy survived too.


afrotique responds:

cheers man <3 <3

That is true! Though maybe... it's just a nightmare within a nightmare? O_o Pretty eerie short, not on par with your earlier full-length reality-based nightmare, but pretty close! The scream feels like the one thing that might break the mood though. Bit shrill.


djavh responds:

Thanks for commenting, glad you liked it. I kind of agree about the scream, but I had to change the pitch, because unaltered scream that I recorded would have been too low for a kid :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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