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Heeey a new website! That's quite the big announcement in a small way at the end of the ep! Wasn't expecting a Jimmy Pee Christmas special here, but much appreciated! Good one on the Giraffe. XD Merry Christmas; may the Next Year be even more awesome!


threebrain responds:

Tanks yous too! Yeah I will have threebrain point to JimmyPee. it's just way easy to explain to people. With Threebrain people are always like WTF is that mean? But with Jimmy Pee they are like oh that's a site for a goofy dude—right out of the gate 8-)

So random. XD All's well that ends well too; in the end they all have a ball! Nice one. Love the detailed background, Christmas feels, and of course smooth animation and voicing as always. Hope the next year is full of greatness! Happy Holidays!


jerbjpg responds:

Thanks as always Cyberdevil! Happy Holidays!

Well that was random. XD Sounds silent to me though, I'm feeling like it'd be a whole other thing with the music... at first I was thinking the tree was annoyed at the birds and the eggs in its crown btw, but turns out it just wanted a family of its own! Nice end. :)


mattkiel responds:

Haha thanks!! That’s strange the sound didn’t work for you! Yep there’s a couple of songs that go along with it.

GTFO? XD At first I thought the signature was just made in mocking, but seems like the initials were the real joke there... the way the music built-up the atmosphere I was just waiting for the Gladiator to get killed, or at least wounded, probably right on the precipice of his new-found freedom... but I'm glad it didn't go that way. :) Wonderful animation, sound and all, and with a story! The change of scenery's an appreciated one too, really unlike most of the Madness out there, but familiar all the same.


Diotoons responds:

Thanks for the kind review :D i'm really glad you enjoyed it!

As the seconds counted down at the ending I was thinking these final villains really should've put up more of a fight... but looks like it's not over yet? :O Wonder if there's more on route, and if so how many parts are planned? Getting pretty intense! Again a bit repetitive scenes sometimes, but apart from that it was fantastic! I guess DBZ had those too so it's not all uncalled for. :) Great voice acting and audio too, the latter really builds up the suspense! Hope there's more to come!


sub10 responds:

Thank you very much! And yeah the same frames repeated was a bit of a nod to DBZ's animation style! The main fight will be in parts 3 and 4 so these guys are more like henchmen to the real threat.

A DBZ story told from a new perspective entirely! And the animation's masterful, too, even if some parts feel a bit repetitive. Ends mid-mission, so I suppose the episode was just cut in half to save on size... off to the next one now! So far great work!


sub10 responds:

Thank you very much! And yeah I'm uploading them in parts as I make them!

Oh, Sucho! Didn't know her and Harry had a thing! Learned a lot here, and above all it was an entertaining ramble, complete with sometimes relevant and sometimes seemingly random animation showcases in the background from certain shows I recognize and others I probably need to see. Much appreciate making this thing! Not too long; never dull. Great documentary.


Avonom responds:

I am pleased that you appreciated this documentary mate. I learnt a lot from it as well and I've been a fan of Harry's for nearly 10 years! Definitely check out all his work if you get the chance. Thanks again Cyber.

Random hybrids somehow always end up the most entertaining! XD For a moment in the beginning I thought they were speaking French though, just something about that name... or maybe it's a French name hmm. Entertaining stuff!


dianinhas responds:

Thank you so much :)
For the names, I tried messing around with how Japanese people usually say -san, -ku, -sensei, -sama, etc, at the end of a person's name. I do have a bit of a Portuguese accent, so maybe that came out on the voices as well? French and Portuguese languages are a bit similar xD

Pretty twisted, but so much detail in those twists! XD Awesome work with this. Rabid star raving mad masterful entertainment.


dansills responds:


Bamboo Shoots!

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