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A twisted animation with a fascinating story behind it. Honestly reading the description was just as big an experience as watching the loop (could've made it loop btw :P), great writing; great animating. Not much meaning to it, but it was entertaining in a disturbing sense; it's strange how old-school silent-film always enhances the effect, or maybe it's the traditional Disney style that makes the clash in content so much more noticeable. Keep it up!


Comick responds:

Ah thanks man for the review :) I agree the old school cartoons were my fav era cartoons just becuase they unintentionaly had strange dark moments; and since they came before the 30s and censorship in theaters most cartoons were made for adults, had crude, sexual or violent imagery haha. They were were truly surreal and wonderful things....hopefully my works play a good homage to the era while adding on my own sensibilities haha, Thanks again!

Hmm... maybe use a Play button that actually says Play? :P Apart from that, this was full of fun stuff. Unnaturally detailed scenery for a clock flash, and a plot filled with suspense. O_o Nice work!


RadioTubeClock responds:

It ought to say 'play' when you put your cursor over it unless something isn't working right for you. Thanks for the review!

It looks like Madness submissions are streaming in late this year! Better late than never though. :P From the start I knew it was going to be great, from the bloodsplatter to the severed head, and also because I read a news post about it... it was bloody; gross; ingeniously inspiring. Plenty of variation in this, fast-paced action and lots o Madness. Nice work!


juanford66 responds:


Haha, awesome. Each lesson's a fight for your life, each bad grade a metaphorical blow to your character. I love the way it's all presented in best all-out-action fighting style. Keep up the great work!


CartoonCoffee responds:

Yes! You totally got what I was going for. Thanks for the review, you can definitely expect more stuff coming from me.

42 NSA agents know this isn't a YouTube description. :P Great idea, great animation; and a menacing finale. This could be the idea for a full series, or a feature movie, the menace of the killer phones. O_o Or something like that. Nice work!


ADASport responds:

Thank you! We're are currently in talks with a production company to turn this into a 100-part miniseries.

I guess having played the game would make this all the more entertaining... but maybe it's the other way around, maybe this makes the game seem more entertaining than it was. :P Love the random occurrences that keep popping up, the skeletons getting it on... lmao, but that dog... that's just disturbing. :/ Pretty good voice acting (that accent... you aren't Swedish by any chance?), animation; entertaining all the way. Keep it going!


wonamik responds:

Swedish yes lol. The voice acting is much improved in my other vids, this was the first.if you watch this one on YT you see that the voice acting is much better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HODt6a3xw_0 .

Thanks for watching:)

Haha, that really is a great impression of Toad! Nice seeing some game scenes not commonly seen, perfectly animated out too. Probably the best interpreation of Game Grumps that I've seen. Great expression; great voice acting. Keep it up!


CarlDoonan responds:

Yeah, Arin's impression of Toad was really fun to animate!
Happy to hear you enjoyed it : )

Bamboo Shoots!

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