I've been waiting to see something like this! The biggest part is the information, but the animation backs it up nicely. At first there isn't much, just a symbol of innocence immersed in routine and blissful unawareness, but then things start happening. The way the car is used twice, and the president breaks free from the corporations... it's all very symbolic without need for extra words to explain the circumstances.
It's the truth too, but with multinational corporations ruling the world with propaganda and industry, there seems to be little a single individual can do. We need to unite and revolutionize the way society works, make it less monetary and more caring. I've been thinking so for a long time, but still the fact remains that after all's said and done and the temporary inspiration I get from this animation settles down, I'll just keep going about my habits as usual, not really attempting to reform the habitat I live in. Maybe when enough discontent amounts there'll be enough motivation to stir a change. I believe the problems are worse in certain countries though, were there is so much more potential for large corporations to influence the power structure, and fortunately I don't think I live in one of those... yet.
Anyway, great work, it's an animation with a moral and a call to afterthought, not to mention the ending really fits the season. Keep it going!