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Starts with a promising premise! Wonder if this will be the big story, or if it's a sort of collective tale of all the different mythological beasts and creatures within the game? Interesting idea! I've barely scratched the surface of MAGIC so far, but do have a deck waiting for scratches... smooth animation, and pretty effectual narration too.


Wondermeow responds:

Thank you for your feed back mate always appreciate it not sure as of yet lets find out together i hope you enjoy the game ^^.

Kind regards,


Hmm so many ways you could interpret this... like just a random bout of creativity, or like a new take on the world, or like a message that all will succumb to age eventually, that we're trying to hard, that we should go back to our roots and enjoy the world rather than exploit and raise scrapers that touch the sky yet... don't really reach far enough out of this world for us to escape, anyway. In the end it all goes full cycle. I enjoyed the animation, and music... gets you in a good mood! :)


NigelNg responds:

Glad you got something from it!

Another masterful arc in this epic story! :D That soundtrack too, so smooth and mysterious... great work as always.


Sexual-Lobster responds:


That one guy really laughs at the most inopportune moments. XD It was fun though! Not so much entertaining audio as the animation that enforces it. Feels like the jokes are tied to the channel a bit, where you'd appreciate them more when you know the people, but I love the style! Beady eyes and stick-figure arms... feels arcade-like and unique at the same time. Nice work.

Also nice to see some sketches like this from something outside of the usual Oney Plays or Game Grumps, they be taking over!


SpiderKnife responds:

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your honest opinion on this Cyberdevil!

It was definitely something I was conscious of whilst making this that the context & humour might get lost in the mix for those you don't know the people behind them, absolutely! But thank you so much for your kind words and that you enjoyed the presentation!

It's also very nice to read that it was something different for you from the Oney & GG content. Though obvious that GG Animated had an influence and appeal for me to create something like this on one of my favourite Let's Players, I appreciate that you highlighted this and you liked it.

Again, thank you!


Such a tragic tale, of an egg who was destined for more but just... lost his footing in life! Gets me wondering what the average lifespan of an egg may be hmm, it's a tough world... doesn't eggsactly look designed for this particular species. That breakfast too. XD


ThaheemAS responds:

Thanks for watching i really appreciate the support

What a twist on the classic... didn't know about the original, but the way you've switched up the theme while still keeping the plot element is just perfect. When we see the sign at the beginning though it really does seem like a post-apocalyptic world... jumping into the house, the TV feels like a contradiction to that. How would that work past the apocalypse?! In retrospect I guess it's a clue, or maybe it was always just showing static... but either way you really bring out the emotion here, and the anticipation that comes with the knock on the door. Somber and suitable music to boost the mood, and a great build-up till the end. Nice piece.


Avonom responds:

Thank you for your review Cyber! I am glad you enjoyed it.

Like is this an inside joke in the series? A paid advertisement? Or is it as random and creatively recreationally awesome as it seems to be?! It really does look crisp, crunchity, peanut-buttery... love the almost arcade-like visual effects; style! Awesome work.


IvanAlmighty responds:

Thank you man!! Gonna have to answer C on this one, I'm honestly not a fan of butterfingers but just have a strange affinity for the Simpsons commercials for them

Pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch!


zeeeko responds:

thank you! :)

Oh man, breakfasts aren't ever going to be the same after this. O_O They all accept their wretched fates so peacefully too, or hopelessly, passively, with an acceptable for death both admirable and uncomfortable, and strange, and realistic (considering food doesn't move)... and all of this from a pretty impressive first-person perspective too. The sound effects really suck you in. Not bad.


Eotix responds:

Thanks! Doing the audio was a lot of fun since there is very limited animation.

That girl sure knows how to jump. XD And all that in a towel no less! Impressive skill!

Music kicks in at just the right time there, and I like the style, 3D, unlike 3D I've seen before... curious what program might've been used in the conception of this here material? Good stuff. Old (so you say!) but gold.


eeeeeJack responds:

I'm glad you like it!
I use blender for making this, and this was made for a small contest, I got the third place though.

Bamboo Shoots!

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