Until I read the description I didn't really follow... it was morbid and eerie, but I wondered if the different 'chapters' were related or separate, if they told tales from the same persons life, or different ones... if it was about a meeting or a parting, about the trauma caused by the dog, a bad dream, something else... the description explains a lot, yet after imagining so many other things I feel like a 'mysterious predator and lonely witch' feels a too fictional route. Like it could have had more depth. Thought I was onto something big, but in the end it was more based on the visuals than I expected...
Voice acting might have been good indeed, to push the story, though on the other hand I feel the silent way really builds the mood. The atmosphere here is pretty special. Brooding. Gloomy. Lonely. Voices might break that impression... and I did like the visuals! Nicely done overall, all that's really missing is the red thread, for better or not.