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Sure has been a while since the last of these... glad you found a new one. :) Always as entertaining to read the history behind these discoveries too! That bear sure lucked out there, would've thought Skitzo would go Skitzo right away, but apparently he's got humor too. :P Good stuff.


Comick responds:

Yeah I wish I wasn't so damn slow on these lol. But whats kinda cool is the cartoon has been ongoing for 10 years with 10 "discovered scraps" to date! So at least the Skitzo lore has SOME consistency in its method of madness :b

Seems like more than a second. :) Really like the style here, and vibe, color, creative touch... just overall a really satisfying/intriguing thing to watch. Like a jumpstart for the mind.


mraw responds:

thankyou man!

I think your 'skill' is at a pretty impressive level already, considering you consider yourself a beginner! The movement, timing and sound here is all top notch... and a splat-on ending that just perfectly sums it up... somehow. :D If there's anything to improve, I'm thinking maybe the eye trails look a bit too long, and maybe better to color the entire eyes rather than have a line flow from them, when they're all black from the start? Other that: awesome work! Easy to follow, full of anticipation and action all the way.


VeanBin responds:

oh ... that's very helpful, I'll work more about those eye trails ... they do look abit lame :P And about my skill, they're not that impressive, but by far, this is the most helpful comment I've ever read in this post :D

A pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch!


questionablecontent responds:

Thanks! pretty alright response to my first semi-proper animation.

Weird but well-done! XD If only it was a bit smoother it'd feel complete, eerie and entertaining, and it's strange how the NOT CLICKBAIT seems to lure me in more than the actual title hmm...nifty marketing too.


CirclePatch responds:

Thank you, these animations that i've posted on New Grounds were made months ago. I have way smother animation now. Thanks for the kind words and feedback!


With superheros dressing up in tight spandex suits you'd really expect there were more moments like this. XD Nice one.


Kuttzie responds:

Thanks so much!

Well that was awesome! :D Just the right kind of music for an epic visual presentation/introduction/transformation too! Happy New Year in advance!


VolFMaple responds:

Happy New Year!

Well I guess grandparents are grandparents no matter what grandparents they are! XD Entertaining sketch, and creative idea too! Nice work.


LOTAC responds:

Nice one CD thanks!

A pretty creative fight! Little inconsistencies with how they first blow off the planet, and then can't even break through plane windows moments later, but it was entertaining to watch! I like the details, dialog; variation, though animation could be smoother. Feels like limbs move a bit independently from each other - the entire body doesn't flow with each movement, and it's maybe just that one thing that separates this from the great ones. :) The pace and build-up overall is great! Hope to see more; keep improving!


Khalidsanimations responds:

P.S - I know I'm a bad (but improving) animator.

Hah, short but genius. XD Shows stuff like this really doesn't need to be lengthy to be good, and it's been a while since the latest Flash Library, by the original duo no less! Wish there'd been time to contribute, but if this keeps going maybe there are more opportunities. :) Awesome sketch @artistunknown , and subtle;entertaining self-marketing @MistyEntertainment ! Merry Christmas!


MistyE responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's good to be back, and I hope you had a great Christmas!

Bamboo Shoots!

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