Been way too long since the last official, medal-bestowing NG Advent calender! :D Will definitely be tuning in to this one every day I remember to do so... though hopefully medals not earned this year will still be available on future Decembers? Having each new gift appear just one at a time, and being able to really walk around a bit before you open them really adds to the interactivity level here. It feels like a small little world. Looking forward to see what things are added and improved as time goes, and of course: what presents may be waiting for us...
Was thinking it'd be cool with some little easter egg if you venture behind the tree, or follow the footprints back to the edge of the screen, or try to throw a snowball at the little bunker, or interact with the dudes, or open the wrong gift (tried to do all those things but alas, nothing), or do something crazy like just walking around for a whole hour (well now maybe that one's overkill). Maybe some of these might pop up before the year's over though. :) Fingers crossed. Assuming I'll have to adjust this score with time...
So far: really cool initiative. Going to be fun counting down!