What a thorough game this was! Took a couple days to really get through but... worth it. Love the gameplay; the mechanics; the idea of having a world you build your way around in the process of completing, and reaching new destinations.
A few things that could maybe be improved/suggestions:
- Smoother movement when you navigate via the minimap on the top left - it's so much smoother, but of course less efficient, to drag on screen.
- A reward factor that increases the further you get, so for example you earn more each time you win a game the more games you have won, and so it gets a bit easier/faster to finish the map. Even when you're done it'd be nice to be able to keep building, but unfortunately tiles are expensive, and it doesn't feel worth the effort at that point. If a progressive benefit as you play is difficult maybe simply some special rebates/freebies when you complete the whole game? Or each time you beat a new location? In short: grind/reward balance maybe not currently ideal.
- Highscores/statistics on how much you've managed in regard to tiles and other numerical accomplishments.
- A little background life? :) Cars on streets, trains on tracks, moving boats in the rivers.. wouldn't require much to really make the world feel dynamic, just something that moves.
I realize it's not the focus of the game, but anything to further enrich the world itself would really boost the background atmosphere; sense of immersion.
Feels like simple cutscenes would be nice too. A little flashing color or confetti when you complete something maybe.
The card-related functionality/animation in particular feels flawless, and it's handy you have shortcuts for tiles, the option to undo and sell etc, it's impressively thorough already but feels like there's potential for it to be even greater! Keep it up. Would love to play something more like this, or just an upgraded version of this one down the line.