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I like the idea, though feels like controls would be a whole lot smoother. The shot patterns are easy to get past, actions are instantaneous, the physics are real basic... it's cool there's the two-player option too it though. Feels like this could be the start of something!


A thousand really was pretty challenging! Just right though. Simple fun; right amount of grind to really get all the way. Nice game.


Artur-Felipe responds:

Thank you. It's a great pleasure.

Simple, addicting and different! Though wish there was a way to toggle quality or make it run just a little bit lighter, the lag works fine for the first two medals but feels like how fast you can move is decisive for the last one.


Unexpected bottle-cap kicking fun! The one where you have to hit the cap on the wrong side really was the most difficult... took a few tries. Love how random and simple this is. Mechanics are great, though would be good with some medial notices, on the secret one for example it seems you have to reload the game/level before you get it.


Not the type of snake game I expected at all, but good fun. The random factor seems to work pretty well too. Not always the easiest or fastest to get to the top, but never impossible either with how too big blocks fade overtime as well. Easy to play again and again until you do. Great sound design. Smooth control. Seems I could only control with WASD though, not arrow keys at all.


Would've been good with a highscore table for this, otherwise it's not bad once you get into it! Balanced and different, even if it seems like you can keep going forever when you figure it out, and it would've been nice with a bit more responsive reloading thing. With better visuals this could be real addicting. Good game.


The idea's nice but in the end... it's just not fun. :/ Hunting invisible food at a break-neck pace, feels more frustrating than rewarding. Maybe there could be a way to make it more visual even with the invisibility aspect.. hints, navigation by sound, something more...


The American dream... actually a pretty inspiring clicker, though what a grind towards the end of it... that's how you do it though. Perseverance no matter what.

And heeey a Swedish guy with those virtual pickaxes too. XD Had some bits of entertainment along the way too.


Was wondering why I wasn't getting that last medal but ah, your brother's living on the edge. ;) Wonder who the girl who had to dress up as a clown really was though... fun little game. Could be more advanced, with facial expressions that shift as they get punched for example, but good fun.


This was great! Great physics, great gameplay, creative level design too. Started getting a bit challenging towards the end but still felt like just the right amount of replays until you finally get that sweet alien reward. Really wholesome work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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