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Simple fun! Took a while before I figured out you're not supposed to just click as fast as you can to reel in that line, but once you get used to the controls a bit it's not so difficult after all.

Would've been cool with some Easter Eggs/extras with fishes and other items too, but it was fun as it was. Great visuals, simple mechanics; a very different kind of idea. Never thought I'd really be playing and enjoying fishing games like this...


Some levels were definitely trickier than others, but the shortcuts you can buy help out a lot once you start using those. If you have some extra coin left over at the end it all gets a bit easier too, no timers can stop you...

Even when it's all done you can keep going with Survival too. Good replayability. Good idea. A bit imbalanced increase of difficulty/randomness, but good fun overall.


What a blast! Final few levels really took some patience, but it was worth the challenge after all. Had to reload the game and play the final level again though to get the final level - assume the API connection times out after a while.

Thorough fun. Great design, and just the right level of difficulty/length.


A simple, solid local multiplayer or multitasking-capability-testing-whilst-solo game! It's rare you stumble upon something like this. Would be cool if you had a bigger variety of levels to choose from, and possibly some different game modes, lengths, etc, but it's cool you can actually change the player dynamics as a handicap. Haven't ever seen that done before.

it feels like a bit of a prototype for something that could be real big! Potential for added AI to make it work with single player too. Great idea.


Level 29 and 39 really were the most difficult! Had the red alien that just wouldn't die from explosions on 29 - but kept trying and it finally did - and the jump to get the bomb on 39... seems the easiest way was just to pop the top box first, and then double jump off the one below it to get up. Exploit the physics a bit on the edge to jump before you're really there.

Twas a fun game, varied levels, nice combination of action/puzzle, though physics could've been a bit more polished. Cool to see the intro figure in his own role too!


Simple game, simple fun. :) Feels like the controls could've been a bit more varied between stages, and maybe differed a bit between bears, aaand I'm not sure an injection is really the best cure for a cold, but game-wise, if the highscore's the reward there's still added replay incentive... cute graphics and simple interface, apart from a deceptive preloader ad with play button before the actual game...

Few things that could be improved but not bad. It looks great.


Top of the screen seems difficult, but overall a fun game! Nice spin on a classic passtime I'm not sure I'd ever tried before.


To think some people would overreact that much on frozen pizza. XD

Really entertaining little point and click game here. Simple fun, with some unexpectedly challenging bits along the way, like the suduku and parallel world puzzle... and the very hard-to-find pick axe. For the most part balanced though, with occasional bits of entertainment if you do the wrong things in the wrong order. Thoroughly enjoyed this.


After the first thirty point mission I hit replay, and the game bugged out; started an endless round, no timer or points, just endless whack-a-ghost with pumpkins, witches, rainbow cauldrons and everything. Fortunately I could just reload the game and the save reverted to the pervious mission, but still a bit of an issue there... same thing's happened a few times later. Quickly made it a habit to go back to the main zones instead of hitting 'replay', as it seems they also get locked again and again, and you have to unlock them again after each round (though at no extra cost)

The game feels a bit buggy that way, and it'd be nice with some kind of effect when you click the various critters - maybe just that they fade a bit, so it clearly shows you've hit them - but otherwise it was a fun little venture. Rewarding missions and a few different settings to go through. Not bad, but buggy.


Now this really was a puzzle game! Felt like you had to change your thought pattern entirely, even if the flow of sound always seemed so clear when it works it takes such an unusual amount of thought to get there... first level went alright but I was stumped already on the second one.

Yet it's not impossible. I like the concept, the variation as you progress, the elemental simplicity but difficulty in mastering it, and managing how you go about the task. Really was a different kind of challenge.

And I love the interface. Superfluent and pleasing. Overall just a thoroughly well-made game, no visible flaws at all. ambient sound design too. Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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