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Smooth, slick, melodically accompanied animation that goes from abstract and ambient to brewing a battle and bashing it out! Nice.


Mainesteward responds:


lol, strange how much the music can change the atmosphere like that! Though... I feel like it was more than the music. Wonder if there's more story here than I'm aware, if it's referencing a certain game or something... but either way, nicely animated!


NickPlagman responds:

It's from the series "Minion Training College" (the death clips are part of a video the teacher shows the student minions in an attempt to freak them the eff out); episodes 1-5 on Machinima, episode 6 on youtube.com/Nplagma.

The minions are from League of Legends; each death is at the hands of a specific champion.

The start of a pretty entertaining story featuring some pretty unorthodox critters for characters! Seems it's a land where cats rule supreme hmm, looking forward to the next ep!


TheMadHamster responds:

Haha, Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

lol, that did answer any potential wonders! And it looks like the spiders out for a vengeance too. XD Nice work!


sadakab responds:

Haha thanks for the feedback man! Awesome to hear it all! I think the ambiguity of Episode 3 makes it perfect. Maybe Cube and Triangle were never there in the first place....

What's a little death with that level of success!! Nicely animated, the details especially, the layered shading on faces and everything. Great work!


graphxwill responds:

I must admit.... I might have had a bit too much caffeine while making that. Hope you find the time to make something soon too.

Thanks again my Swedish friend, Cheers

Hahaaa, that was awesome! :D First scientist remark really brought me back to Oni btw, that can't be intentional can it? I guess scientists might commonly say such things hmm. Sprite work was flawless, as was the voicing and plot progression, all puns, all comedy potential, not slowing down even when the credits start rolling, nice work.


Sunrie responds:

I wish I could take credit on the Oni reference, but I'd be lying. Clovis15 did a fantastic job and intentionally hammed it up for that B-Movie style acting.

Thank you on the voice work. I did have a few problems with audio quality, but that just may be my own personal complaints, ha!

lol, some teachers just aren't fair! Twas an entertaining episode (lmao at that cricket part), though in the end it almost felt like a piece of education in itself, not a parody of the learning system as much as an actual system of learning explained with certain parody. Is this talk prompt thing a real thing or all made up for this episode? Was expecting more play with the different questions, abusing those to answer questions without answering anything, or... something like that. Well, good stuff! Thanks for the entertainment.


TheRealNat23 responds:

The talk prompts are a real thing. And you're welcome for the entertainment.

Bamboo Shoots!

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